Zelena's Eighth Post

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WickedWitchOfTheWest: Throwback to New York ✌🏼😎


ReginaOfLocksley: Honestly woman, how many selfies did you take in New York?

WickedWitchOfTheWest: Would you like me to count?

ReginaOfLocksley: Yes

WickedWitchOfTheWest: Too bad, ain't nobody got time for that

HenryMills: Guys what if we have to go to New York someday to defeat a villain?

NealCassidy: But you all end up getting locked up in a mental asylum because you all have different stories of how you know each other, but there are no records of any of you (besides Emma and Henry) and when authorities finally get the truth, they lock you up bc you ALL believe the fairytale story

EmmaSwan: What?

NealCassidy: What?

AliceInWonderland: I was locked up in a mental asylum once...

WillScarlet: I broke into a mental asylum once!

RobinOfLocksley: Why am I not surprised?

WillScarlet: You're the one who fell in love with the former Evil Queen after you told me the merry men didn't have anything to do with magic

RobinOfLocksley: But Regina's magic is not going to cause a dragon to threaten us!

WickedWitchOfTheWest: Just wait until I get Lily to beat you up for me

ReginaOfLocksley: Good luck with that

RobinOfLocksley: AND Regina's magic will protect us from dragons and witches (mostly witches) who threaten us

ReginaOfLocksley: 😎

WillScarlet: Fair enough

WickedWitchOfTheWest: "MOSTLY WITCHES"?!

ReginaOfLocksley: 😎

WickedWitchOfTheWest: You have him wrapped around your finger, don't you?

ReginaOfLocksley: I simply reminded him of the fact that you have attacked us far more than any dragons have

WickedWitchOfTheWest: 😝

ReginaOfLocksley: 😎

RobinOfLocksley: 😎

SnowWhite: #Goals

RedRidingHood: ^^

EmmaSwan: #TwelfthDoctor

ReginaOfLocksley: #Whouffaldi

EmmaSwan: #Tenrose

ReginaOfLocksley: #Ninerose

SnowWhite: #OutlawQueen

HenryMills: I'm hungry

ReginaOfLocksley: For....?

RobinOfLocksley: Cookies

HenryMills: Yes

ReginaOfLocksley: What kind?

HenryMills: Chocolate chip

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