"DAAAAAMN BITCH THIS YO HOUSE? Y'ALL SURE WE IN DETROIT?" Givenchy loud ass started yelling getting everyone's attention.

"Y'all gotta see the  inside I told y'all this bitch house was bad as fuck man y'all didn't believe me at all." Monica piped up walking up to the door going inside like it was her house. They all dragged their suitcases in and sat them by the door as Shai and Josh showed them around the house.

Everyone had picked their rooms to sleep in and put their suitcases and bags in their respective spaces. Shayla and Deonte roomed together, while Givenchy and Monica did and Lyn and Cheyanne roomed together. They all proceeded down the stairs and went to the kitchen to fix them something to eat.

Both of Shai's sisters were already in there when the group of them came into the kitchen. "Got damn y'all deep as hell. I thought you only said you had a few friends." Angie said sitting in the middle of the floor eating chili cheese fries from Coney Island.

"Bitch that better not be my fucking chili cheese fries or I'm gone fuck you up. And this is just a few. Its like six of us or some shit. Where mama at anyways." Shai asked as she walked over to the fridge and started pulling out Franks red hot sausages and got a pot to boil some water. She pulled one out and put the rest back and everybody   scoffed looking at her.

"Damn so fuck the rest of us huh Shai?" Monica asked rolling her eyes pushing past Shai. "With your fat ass" She said looking in the fridge and freezer that was packed full of food.

"I can thank Josh for that. It's food in here y'all better get y'all own shit or starve. Fuck I look like? Molly the maid? Helll nawl" Shai said as she dropped her sausage in the water as it began to boil.

"Josh you have been doing a nice job on my bae ass y'all must be fucking every night." Shayla said laughing and grabbing Shai's ass.

"Y'all know I gotta keep her in shape." Josh said wrapping his arm around her waist kissing the side of her face. Shai moved her face and caught his lips and kissed him with passion as she smiled.

"Okay y'all enough about my sex life" Shai laughed and looked at her sisters.

"Thank God because her sisters do not want to hear that shit" Angie said getting up leaving the kitchen with her food. Augeana and Karena helped her making sure she didn't fall or hurt herself.

Everybody finally made themselves at home and made their own food cleaning up their own messes. They went to sit down in the living room and sat in front of the television looking for a show to watch. They all coupled up and started to look for something to watch.

"Aye what happened when Shayla had left and came back here with you. Was everything okay?" Deonte asked sitting Shayla on his lap feeling his dick jump slightly. Shai tensed up and Josh could feel it. Shai wanted to erase that from her mind even though every night she thought about it. She never spoke of it. Nor did she plan on telling her friends about what happened that night. The only one who really knew what happened that night was Shai, Josh and Shayla. Shayla promised she would never tell anyone what took place that night.

"Nothing too special dog we just handled business" Josh answered for her nonchalantly. Shai squeezed his hand letting him know she was grateful that he had answered for  her. Josh leaned down and kissed her forehead and hugged  her little thick frame. It was true that Josh had helped Shai's body fill out. She already had big titties but now her hips had spread and her ass rounded out nicely. Josh always took pride in knowing that he did that.

"I love you babygirl" He leaned down and whispered in her ear causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. She snuggled deeper into him and closed her eyes. He laid his hand on her plump ass and started to eat his soup and crackers. Josh tried to be very healthy although he did indulge quite a bit too. He constantly drinks bottled water and loves soup. Shai opened her mouth wanting him to feed her some and he complied. She smiled and finished her little bite before leaving up and kissing his lips.

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