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AN:  Thank you all for getting my story this far! It really means the world to me that you guys take time to actually read and comment on my story. Thank you! I couldn't have gotten this far without you guys, I owe it all to you guys!!!!!  Anyway, I appreciate that you guys have enjoyed my story and that you have stuck with me till the very end.   For those of you who are wanting a sequel I have good news for you!!! I am defiantly going to be making a sequel, The date that the fist chapter is set to come out is April 8th, but that date possibly might change due to me being swamped with work (Or something that comes up and doesn't let me finish it on time). I feel like I keep rambling on and on yet there is soo much I feel like I need to say. Anyway the Sequel is either going to be called A Case of Insanity/Madness or My Case Of Insanity/Madness, I have yet to decide on a name but those two are my favorite. Please let me know which one you guys like better. The sequel will be taking place in Season three of Sherlock but I won't be following it exactly, seeing how 1) I've already introduced Mary, 2) and Sherlock has already come back from  being 'dead'.  Just a warning, I may just tweak a few things so please don't get angry at me for doing so. Anyway I just want to thank you guys again for everything! I hope you enjoy. Sorry if it's too short, I also apologize if its terrible because I suck at writing epilogues - Nicole <3

I awoke the next morning snuggled against my husband's bare chest, his muscular wrapped around me and  held me close . At first, it was very  alarming that we hadn't been woken up in the middle of the night, but then I remembered that we had someone that was watching them.  To be honest I was kinda glad Sherlock had gotten his parents to watch the boys while we spent some much needed alone time together. I smiled and rested my head against his chest, the steady beat of his heart brought a warm smile to my face. He was absolutely perfection to me, everything I ever wanted in a man is what he was. Though we had a very rocky start I was happy that we ended up together. Life had started to finally slow down again, Mycroft had managed to give me a pretty relaxed  schedule and I was very grateful for it. Now  we were on a lot better terms with each other it was very different then the first time we met. It was quite nice, not having to be really annoyed every second that  I was in his presence.  I sighed softly, not wanting to get up but I knew I had to. I had a long day ahead of me. I moved slightly away from Sherlock being careful to not wake him,  before proceeding to get up and walk towards the bathroom. Grabbing my robe, I then quickly I pulled it   over my bare skin. I didn't just want to walk out in the flat in the nude, that would be very indecent.  I glanced back at Sherlock once last time before going to the kitchen. Mrs.Hudson had brought in the mail for us and had placed  some lovely flowers on the table. She was a very sweet woman, she personally reminded me a lot of my grandmother before she had lost my grandfather. It was really crazy how people changed after they had lost someone. Turning on the kettle, I went and grabbed a glass of orange juice before walking back over to the table.  I smiled slightly as I started to  look through the mail, when suddenly a strange  envelope caught my eye. It looked similar to a normal envelope, except the writing on it was a writing I was unfamiliar with, there was what  looked like blood drops on the front of it and it was slightly torn at the corners. I felt like this was supposed to be a bad omen or something, but I then shook my head realizing how ridiculous that was. I was being too superstitious.  I immediately ran my thumb in between the seal and the paper flap that closed letter, tearing it open.  I pulled out the neatly  folded blood stained piece of paper and something orange fell out of it. I glanced down to see what it could possibly  be, I looked down and saw a  piece of hair. I bit my lip trying to figure out what it could be, was the hair my own? or another persons?. Chills crept down my spine as I had the  sinking eerie feeling that it could possibly be Moriarty. But he had not been sighted for a very long time, so I personally  believed he was dead and gone. I opened the letter and blinked, making sure I was reading the words correctly.  I dropped the glass that I was holding, glancing again at the red letters written in blood, my stomach flipped as I soon was put in a state of disbelief.  

Danger is not inevitable. 

You are being watched :).

Did you really think  that it would be over?

Silly Idiot girl. You are so clueless.

I have special plans for you.

Did you miss me?  

The words kept  playing over and over in my mind as a sickening feeling came over me,  My family was in danger. Someone was back and they were out to get me, or even worse, they wanted  me dead.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora