Chaoter 17: Morning

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Chapter 17: Morning

 The soft  gentle sound of a heartbeat awoke me from my peaceful slumber. I blinked a few times to clear my blurred vision before realizing I wasn't in my own room.  It took me a minute to realize why I was in Sherlock's room but then I remembered that we gotten married yesterday, a warm smile came over my face and I felt a warm, fuzzy, tingle go though me. My head laid on his bare chest, my ear right over his heart. he was still sound asleep. His curly dark hair was in a mess but it looked absolutely adorable on him. His lips were slightly parted  and over all he looked as if he was at  peace. I pulled the sheet closer to the two of us not really wanting to get out of the warm comfort of the bed. But, It was essential that I did so seeing how we had to leave in a couple hours to go on our honeymoon trip . I slowly moved out of Sherlock's arms being very careful not to wake him, he stirred slightly then just rolled over to the side, his long arms slightly dangling over the side of the bed. I bit my lip to force back a giggle; he looked soo dang cute asleep. I walked over to the bathroom, wincing slightly at how sore I was. Most likely a hot shower would somewhat help relieve the soreness, but I had a feeling I would be stiff for a while. I went into the shower and let the hot water run over me, instantly causing me to relax. I felt different, in fact I felt the best I had ever felt in a long time. I was like all of my past was wiped away from my memory and it felt great, I could finally be myself again. I giggled slightly at one of the marks,  Sherlock had left on my neck. For such a suppressor of his emotions he was a very passionate lover. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me and dried off my dripping wet hair. I walked out the bathroom and looked towards the bed to see if Sherlock was still there, knowing if he was I would have to wake him up . To my utter surprise he was, now he was sprawled out all over the bed and twisted up in the sheet. I chuckled slightly looking at him, he was a bit of a bed hog when he was all to himself, and occasionally when I was there as well. But never the less I love him just as much

"Sherlock" I whispered in his ear not wanting to be too loud.

(Sherlock Pov)
I heard Gwen call my name, her warm breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. I didn't really want to get up right now I was quite exhausted, from the nights activities. I groaned slightly that being my only response to being asked to get up. I personally had no desire what so ever to get up.
"Sherlock, come on our plane leaves in two hours, you need to get up" Gwen said shaking my shoulder slightly. I sat up slowly , slightly glaring at her.
"Can I not sleep for a bit longer?" I said yawning. She smiled at me then giggled. "You can sleep on the plane all you want".  I sighed then blinked slowly, I really wanted to go back to sleep. 

"Mmmfhh" was my reply as I got up and went to the shower.
Once Sherlock was done showering he got dressed and we were ready to go. We grabbed our luggage and had John drive us to the airport.
AN: sorry about this chapter being so short! I apologize if there are any errors!!! Please comment and vote for my stories! Thank y'all for the 1.5K reads on this it means the world to me :)- Nicole <3

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now