Chapter 4: I think I've lost my mind

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Thank you all soo much for reading and voting on this story it means so much-<3 Nicole _________________________________________________________________

My head hurt pretty badly, there was a dull ache at the base of my skull. Did I hit it on something? How long had I been out? I slowly opened eyes and my blurred vision slowly started to clear. Something was hovering over my face, I looked up to see the silvery eyes of Sherlock only inches away from my own. I jumped slightly, feeling my heart stop for a moment , my hand slid under my pillow and wrapped around the gun handle.
"Oh! good you're awake"he said. It took me a split second to instinctively pull out my gun and aim it at his chest. His eyes widened in surprise, then looked down the barrel of the gun. He slightly tilted it down towards the bed with his hand.

"Sorry Sherlock. You frightened me, that wasn't very wise." I mumbled putting it back under my pillow and stretching.

"John told me to inform you he was making breakfast this morning if you were awake" he said turning and walking out of my room. I sighed and looked at my clock, I wonder how long I was sleeping? I slid my legs over the side of my bed, and attempted to stand up but my legs felt like they were made out of jelly. Immediately, I managed to fall face first on the floor. I grunted at the sudden impact of the floor, my head slowly started to ache again as I sighed.

"This is just peachy" I mumbled I was now very aggravated. Soft footsteps walked back towards my door, I expected it to be John making sure I was okay. But I was wrong. Sherlock stared down at me with a amused expression on his face.
"What are you looking at British boy?" I snarled sending daggers at him with my eyes. He just smirked down at me.

"Isn't it obvious?" he said being smart arse. I rolled my eyes and shakily stood up. I must be low on blood sugar, and I needed to eat soon. I sighed and pushed my way past Sherlock. I started walking down the hallway and down the stairs.
"You're angry at me" Sherlock muttered.
"Isn't it obvious" I said mocking him in a snotty tone. John was in the kitchen he looked at the two of us as we walked in. He was cooking something on the stove and it smelled absolutely delicious.

"Morning Johnny boy" I said smiling at him. John turned around and returned my friendly smile.

"Good Morning Gwen. How are you feeling?" he said happily.

"Better. I don't exactly know what happened yesterday.. or whenever I passed out" I said with a l slight laugh.

"You managed to give yourself a hell of a concussion. I'm glad to hear that you're ok." he said putting some pancakes on a plate.

"Thanks" I smiled. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I grabbed it then looked to see who had texted me.

Don't tell Sherlock and John about our meeting yesterday, if you do it could be bad for your health- JM.

I felt all the blood from my face drain. How in all of God's green earth did he get my number? After reading the message I slid my phone back into my pocket. I tried to conceal my fear but I had a feeling I wasn't doing a good job of it.

" What's scaring you? "Sherlock asked.

"Nothing, I just have low blood sugar" I said shortly not wanting to have him examine my every movement.John placed a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon on the table.

"Well, here is your breakfast. " he smiled placing another plate next to the other one.

"Thanks John" I smiled, sitting down in front of my plate. John sat down in front of the other plate and started eating. I looked over at Sherlock, he was pacing and looking out the window.

"Doesn't he ever eat?" I said before taking a bite of the pancakes.

"He has to eat sometime. But I don't know when he does" John laughed. Sherlock leaned against a wall when suddenly he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Finally!" he said softly.

"Finally what?" John asked with his mouth full.

"We've got a case" Sherlock said grabbing his coat and walking out the door.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now