Chapter 10: Return Of The Dead

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(Gwen Pov)

I had been walking around the rainy streets of London for about a hour, attempting to find a way back home besides the taxis. I had somhow gotten myself lost.I could hardly remember the streets of this town or how to get back to my safe house. I sighed, after hearing the news that Sherlock Holmes had committed suicide I felt empty. There was now a huge hole in my heart, and nothing was going to fix it. Was it my fault?Was I the one who drove him over?. Tears threatened to fall down my face, I blinked them away. I didnćt want to have another emotional breakdown.

"GWEN!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I stopped walking, was that who I thought it was?
"That sounds a lot like John." I thought to myself. When I turned I saw John and Sherlock walking towards me ,I was told they were both dead. For a while I stood there just gawking at them as my heart pounded in my chest. I blinked, feeling like this entire thing was only a dream. This couldn't be real, I had to be dreaming.

"Sherlock? John?" I said softly in unbelief as they approached me. John quickly embraced me, I winced slightly at the pain I felt but hugged him back. It was wonderful to see them, But he had told me that they were killed. How had Sherlock faked his death? At this moment I didn't care, I was happy that I was back with my boys.

"I thought you were dead! Sherlock always said you were but I doubted him for the longest time, I'm so glad you're alive." He said as his blue eyes glistened with emotion. He looked pained, but as soon as He looked back at me he smiled.

"I'm so sorry I left, I would have wrote if I was able to. But uh, certain situations wouldn't allow me" I said smiling.

"We could of helped you, I mean we have connections to the govermnet" John murmured under his breath. I sighed softl, they had no idea how dangerous the Blood Brothers were. Sherlock just looked at me, I could tell he was frustrated and confused on what to do. He had his normal cold mask on and it didn't seem like my presence was effecting it like it had last time. I wouldn't blame him for being so cold, I mean I did leave a few days after he told me he loved me. His eyes looked over me as he started to deduct what had happened to me. I swallowed nervously, John must have felt me tense up because he looked at me with a curious expression on his face.

"Gwen?." He asked backing up slightly.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"Are you okay?" He said looking at me concerned, I could tell he was worried about me. I nodded, knowing my voice would give away that I truly wasn't okay. John stepped away from me as Sherlock approached me, I looked up at him not knowing what he was going to do. I stepped foreword, wrapping my arms around his midsection, snuggling my face into his chest. I had missed him soo much, his smell, handsome voice, adorable smile and everything about him. After a while I felt his long strong arms embrace me as his chin sat on my head, he hugged me back tightly until he finally let me go. He seemed as if this relieved him over something that had been troubling him for a while. A slight sigh escaped his pale lips as he looked down at me.

"I've missed you so very much" I said quietly. The corner of his lips twitched up into a smile for a half of a second before vanishing just as quickly as it appeared.

"I have missed you more then you will ever know." He said so quietly so that only I could hear him. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and observed it. I instinctively attempted to jerk away but he held on tightly to my wrist. He must have seen the marks they had branded into it along with the many rope burns I had acquired over these last three years. His beautiful greenish grey eyes looked up at me, there was a intense protective fire behind those eyes of his. Angry Sherlock was kind of scary, yet at the same time it was kind of attractive.

"They did this to you? " Sherlock said with a voice so cold it gave me chills down my spine.

"Yes, please don't go after them" I said in a small whisper as I shrunk back. These last three years had left me a different woman, I was a shattered shell of the woman I used to be. Sherlock was about to say something when John cut him off.

"Sherlock, she's probably traumatized. Gwen, would you like to come back I the flat for a cup of tea?" John said giving Sherlock a look then looking warmly at me. I nodded as a small smile appeared on my face, maybe going back to 221B would give me some sort of reassurance.

"That would be wonderful, I haven't had tea in forever." I said grinning. The three of us walked back to the flat, it felt wonderful to be back at my home away from home. I looked around the flat, my gaze lingering on a knife. Terrible memories from the hell I lived flashed in my mind. I didn't even notice that John and Sherlock were discussing something, and apparently one of them had asked me a question. I hadn't heard it, my mind was pretty much anywhere but this conversation.

"Gwen, did you hear my question?" John asked looking concerned. I blinked a couple times then shook my head.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts" I yawned suddenly feeling very tired. John was about to ask the question again when he decided to drop it. I sighed softly, dreading going back into the cold weather.

"You can stay here for the night if you want" John said softly.

"Thank you, I'll sleep on the couch if that's okay" I said sleepily.

"Of course! I'll go get you some blankets and a pillow" John said smiling warmly at me as he walked away. Sherlock had gone to take a shower, all three of us seemed exhausted. John placed the blankets at the end of the couch, gently placing the pillow on the top.

"Goodnight Gwen, sleep tight and holler if you need me or Sherlock" he said walking to his room. I pulled the blankets over me as I lay down, placing the pillow under my head and getting comfortable. I dozed off quickly, but before I was fully asleep a cool pair of lips kissed my forehead. It probably was Sherlock giving me a goodnight kiss. I slept peacefully for about four hours before I started having nightmares, and these nightmares felt as if they were so real.

(Sherlock Pov)

I awoke to the sound of whimpering which soon lead to a faint sobbing sound. I pushed the covers off of me before I walked towards the living room. To my surprise I saw Gwen sitting up and crying. I slowly approached her, she was crying because something scared her. From what I had gathered from her earlier actions, she was probably reliving the horrors she had seen while she was away.

"Gwen?" I said softly, siting down next to her.

She just looked at me, fear and hurt evident in her eyes. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't exactly the comforting type. I put a arm around her, feeling very awkward. She leaned into my side, this seemed to calm her down almost immediately, she continued to cry but seemed almost relaxed in my arms.

"Shhhhhhh" I said quietly as I pulled her closer to me.

"W-w-will y-you s-s-stay here?" She asked sniffling, as her bottom lip trembled. I embraced her, feeling my heart beat quicken. 'Caring was not an advantage' I thought to myself trying to calm myself down.

"Yes, I will" I said. Her body shivered a few times before she stopped sobbing. I sighed wanting to remove my arms from her body but at the same time, a side of me was enjoying being close to another human being.

"What could have caused this? Probably a nightmare about what they did to her. From what I've observed she's been torchered, beaten and hell knows what else they did to her" I thought to myself. My hand subconsciously drew little patterns on her back as I held her close to me. I could feel her relax, her eyelids dropping sleepily as I continued to draw patterns on her back.

"Sherlock?" She said drowsily yawning.

"Yes?" I asked looking down at her.

"Please stay with me, even after I fall asleep...just stay" she said gripping onto my shirt, she reminded me of a small frightened child clinging to their parent.

"Of course. I'll be here" I said softly. She smiled a weak but beautiful smile.

'Thank you" she whispered softly,falling asleep on me. I felt myself starting to doze off. I laid on my side and pulled Gwen next to me, I fell asleep holding her against my chest. I hated to admit it but I truly loved her, and no one would ever hurt her again.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now