Chapter 22 Babyshowers are for normal people

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Chapter 22: Babyshowers are for normal people.

-Two months later-

I was now entering my eighth month of pregnancy, and to be honest I felt like crap. My back was constantly killing me and I was tired all the time. Even after I woke up, I was exhausted; it didn't really help that I often stayed up hours of the night unable to sleep . Occasionally, I would feel these odd little contractions, John told me these were Braxton Hicks contractions and that I had nothing to worry about, but to be honest I was terrified. Mary called me and asked if I would be willing to go out with her, personally I didn't feel like going out but I needed to do something. I had been in this house a little too long for my liking, besides it's not like Sherlock would flip out over me going out for a bit, he was plenty busy with work. Outside the flat I heard the rumbling of the car engine, I smiled as she drove up to the flat. I double checked how I looked in the mirror, even though I was absolutely huge I looked nice. Right as she knocked on the door I opened it.
"Hello" Mary said with a huge grin.

"Hi! It's been so long" I smiled pulling her into a embrace.

"Indeed it has! I would have stopped by earlier this month but work has been keeping me busy." She said with a laugh.

"Oh, it's fine. I've just been helping the boys with organizing the crime stuff" I sighed looking over to the mess of papers on the table.

"Well, would you want to go out to get a cuppa and catch up?" Mary asked with a wide grin.

" I would love to, I can't wait to get out of this house" I laughed. We both walked to her car chattering about her job and how stupid people could be. It was wonderful to just relax and talk to some other woman besides Mrs.Hudson. She parked her car and we waked into a nearby cafè. We glanced at the menu for a few minutes before ordering our drinks and sitting down at a nearby table.

'So, how are you feeling?" Mary asked with a smile.

"Terrible, but I only have a month left so it should be over soon" I laughed taking a sip of my tea.

"Do you have any names picked out?" She asked smiling sweetly. I couldnt help but giggle,

"As a couple no, Sherlock has been very busy lately" i said with a slight sigh. To be honest I really missed him, and often I would go to bed without him there, and it was often very lonely.

"Oh I completely understand dear, it's the same thing with John" she said softly taking a drink of her coffee.

"Only we would have these problems" I said laughing. I smiled and placed a hand on my stomach.

"What are the names that you like?" She smiled.

"Hmmmm" I thought, " Seren, Sky if they are boys and if they are girls Elise and Amanda" I said with a smile.

"Such lovely names, I can't wait to see the darlings. I bet they will be absolutely beautiful"

I couldn't help but to grin, it meant the world or me that someone would say that. "Thank you Mary, you are always so sweet."
She smiled at me, then took a sip of her drink.

"You are too kind Gwen" she said looking down at her watch. "Have you shopped for baby clothes yet?" She asked with a grin.

"Mmm, a little bit but we didn't buy much." I said softly, with that she grabbed my arm and drug me outside. We walked to the nearest baby store and started looking through the clothes. We squealed at a couple of cute outfits then went to look at the cribs. A couple hours passed and suddenly Mary looked at her watch.

"Oh! It's getting late we might wanna head back home " she said glancing at her watch again. I found it strange but I went along with it. I was glad to have a day off where I wasn't cooped up in the house the entire day. We walked out to her car and started to drive back to the flat.

"I forgot to ask, what day are you due?" She asked excitedly.

"December 12. I'm very nervous about the whole giving birth to two babies" I said laughing slightly.

"Well I'm sure it's gunna be fine. I mean if John is home he can help you though it, and if you call me I'll be there in a jiffy" she said softly patting my hand.

"Thanks, I'm gunna need some support" I said with a smile. We drove up to the flat and she began to walk me inside. I opened the door to a dark room, I immediately thought of the worst scenario possible.

"SURPRISE!!" A chorus of voices yelled as the lights turned on. I looked around to see that I was being thrown a suprise baby shower.
"Awh, you shouldn't have" I said on the verge of tears. John came up and hugged me and then Mary. Sherlock smiled then pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. Sherlock started introducing me to some of his fellow co workers, some despite his descriptions were nothing like I had thought them to be.
"I'm so glad Sherlock found someone like you" a shy girl named Molly said softly.
"Thank you, I've heard soo much about you. I'm glad to finally meet you" I said with a smile. She smiled back at me, then ducked her head.
"Thanks, same with you" she said.
We played a few games and shared some drinks and snacks before everyone started to leave. I yawned and headed to bed all of my energy had been drained today, but overall it was a wonderful night.

Wow I am soo sorry about the wait for this chapter! Life has been super hectic and busy for me (not to mention one of the contest I attempted to enter has been consuming my writing time.) Anyway thank you for being so patient, I apologize for the long wait once again. Thank you for reading and voting :)- love Nicole
Ps. I kinda rough edited this so there might be a bunch of mistakes x(

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