Chapter 20: Surprise!Surprise!

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Chapter 20: Surprise!Surprise!
It had been five weeks since we have gotten back from our wonderful honeymoon, I had been having terrible headaches, lower back aches and fits of nausea. I think I may have gotten sick or caught something, seeing how I am completely and utterly exhausted all of the time. Today, John and Sherlock were out working on a case and I was at the flat alone, cooking and tiding up things when I happened to notice the calendar.
"Oh my god!" I mumbled as I looked at it, I could feel all the color drain in my face . I double checked myself to be sure but the evidence still was there, I had missed a period.
"Why didn't I notice this!?" I thought in desperation.
My heart quivered though my chest, as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wrote a quick note before running out of the flat to the store to go purchase a pregnancy test. I felt super awkward buying a pregnancy test but It was essential I did just to make sure I was right. When I went back to the flat,I ran straight to the bathroom then took the test and set it on the counter, I heard sometimes that these were wrong so I did the other one as well to be sure. I nervously waited for the results to show up when Sherlock and John walked in the door.
"Hello Gwen." John said with a friendly smile. I waved with a fake smile at him, my nerves getting the best of me.
"Hi boys, how was work?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness
"What are you so nervous about?" Sherlock asked looking at me curiously, he looked a bit confused at why I would be so nervous .
"Ummm..I....uhhhh...ummmm well....." I stammered.
"Well spit it out" he said anxious to know.
"I think I might be pregnant" I mumbled quietly walking towards the bathroom.
"What?" Sherlock asked, obviously not hearing what I said . I went in the bathroom and looked at both of the tests, they both were positive. I felt the nerves over take me as I walked back out of the bathroom.
"What are those?" Sherlock asked. John just looked at me waiting for me to say something, he knew what they were but he didn't know what the results were.
"I'm pregnant Sherlock." I said nervously chewing on the inside of my lip. John smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug.
"Congratulations you two." He said happily. Sherlock kinda stood there with his mouth agape, he tried to respond but all that came out of his mouth were strange noises of words trying to be formed.
"What!?!" He exclaimed all of the color draining from his face as he swallowed .
"Well, what did you think would happen, Mr.Smarty-pants?" John retorted laughing. " Did you think they grew up in a cabbage patch?" John said as he started to crack up . Tears started to fall down his face from laughing so hard. I put my hand up over my mouth to hide my laughter.
"Shut up John, I made no accusations that your idiotic points are even slightly correct" Sherlock said narrowing his eyes as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks
"Boys, please not now." I said chuckling slightly, as I put the tests in my back pocket.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist" John smiled.
" Are you sure that you're pregnant?" Sherlock mumbled quietly.
"Well the test didn't lie" I smiled.
Sherlock grabbed my hand, a small smile appearing on his face.
" I suggest Hamish" John said with a cheeky smile.
" For what?" I asked shyly.
"Baby names darling" Sherlock chuckled.
" Oh, yeah!" I giggled, I smiled warmly at Sherlock.
" I can't wait to be a father" he said softly, leaning foreword and kissing my forehead

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu