Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Honeymooning part 1
"It's going to be nice to take a little break from London isn't it?" I said leaning back into my airplane seat.
"Mmmhmm" Sherlock said sitting next to me, he was exhausted and I felt bad for the poor guy. He rested his head on my shoulder and  Igently  ran one my hands through his curly dark locks. I was excited to go on this honeymoon yet at the same time I was a bit nervous to leave London for a little bit. I mean every enemy that we had there knew that we were a force to be reckoned with and often left us alone, but in these other places they had no idea what we were capable of. 
"You're nervous. Are you afraid of flying?" Sherlock's muffled deep voice said into my shoulder.
"No, its just I'm a little worried" I mumbled feeling a sudden exhaustion come over me. He nodded and closed his eyes, quickly falling into a peaceful slumber.
I yawned, feeling myself relax and slowly ebb of into a peaceful slumber as the plane took off.
- a Plane ride and nap later-
" That plane ride was nice, I feel all rested up now " I said smiling fondly at Sherlock.
Sherlock seemed more observant then he was earlier this morning, that plane ride must have given him enough rest to make up for the lack of sleep from the previous night,
" Indeed it was, I'm surprised I slept the entire time" he said softly.
I reached for his hand and gently held it as we started to walk to the place that we would be staying for a couple weeks. It was a nice little resort that rested near the beach. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what Sherlock would have planned for this vacation but I'm sure one way or another that it was going to be a memorable experience. I got the keys from the front desk and we made our way to our suite. I flopped back on the bed, a little bit tired from all of the traveling. Sherlock glanced at me and smirked before finally laying down beside me. I rolled over so I was cuddled under his arms, he nuzzled his face into my neck.
" I love you" he whispered softly as he pulled me against his chest.
"I love you to" I said, slowly drifting off to sleep.

An: Sorry it's super short. I'm feeling kinda lazy today! But the next time I update the story the chapter should be longer! Thanks for all the reads and votes!!

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now