Chapter 8:Blood Brothers

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Chapter 8:Blood Brothers

Mycroft didn't waste any time sending people to pick us up. He sent the shiny, fancy black car he always did with that same phone obsessed lady. The drive there seemed to take forever since everyone was insisting on not speaking a word to each other. The silence  was soo awkward it wasn't even funny. I occasionally glanced over at Sherlock, I wasn't sure what our relationship was now that we  had admitted our feelings for each other, I mean it just all seemed complicated . John seemed kinda grumpy, I mean most of the time he was grumpy but today he seemed very grumpy. We drove a half a hour through the rainy streets of London before finally pulling up to where I apparently was meeting Mycroft. 

"He only wants to talk with Gwen." his assistant lady said looking at her phone before we got out of the car. I looked at John and Sherlock one last time before walking into the building where Mycroft was. As soon as I walked in the room I felt immediately agitated, memories of my first day here flashed in my mind.

"Gwen, it's been a while hasn't it. Glad to see there is no holes in you anymore " he said cooly with a sarcastic smile.  I snorted slightly, ready to slap that smile off of his face 

"Yeah, it has! Now ,why did you have to so urgently see me?" I said crossing my arms.  I was getting to the point, not wanting to be here any longer then I had to be.

"The terrorist group know as the Blood Brothers have shown up here in London, I dont know how or why they are here but I thought I should let you know" he said. My stomach dropped, I felt my face pale and my stomach twist in knots. The Blood Brothers was the entire reason that I had to leave America. They knew who I was and they wanted to kill me in the most painful way possible. If they found me, I knew that would be the death of me.

"H-how did they know I was here?" I studdered. 

"My guess would be Moriarty, since he did have a recent encounter with you" Mycroft said coldly, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at me.

I started to pace, feeling even more nauseated at this new news.  

"Yeah, that must be it" I said softly. My mind was everywhere but this conversation. The Blood Brothers would stop at nothing to get me in their hands, Sherlock and John could be in grave danger. 

"Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked curiously wanting to get to the flat as soon as possible.  I didnt feel safe anywhere now, everywhere I went  I now was a target.

"Yes, I figured you should be warned. You can leave now" Mycroft said. I nodded and walked out of the door. John and Sherlock looked at me, both examining me. I tried to hide my nervousness but it didnt work.

"Gwen, what's wrong?" John asked concerned. 

"It's obvious, Mycroft told her some news that has caused her to be fearful of it. Now my guess would be the reason why she had to leave America" Sherlock said. I had blocked them out, the only thing I was thinking of was the Blood Brothers and how I would escape them. I had to leave, leave the flat and Sherlock and John behind. That was my only option, the only way I could assure the safety of my friends and anyone I was close to.  

"Gwen?" Sherlock said. I snapped out of my daze. 

"I'm fine......Let's head back home" I said softly.  

The drive back seemed worse compared to the drive there, I hardly kept myself composed while we were in the car. As soon as we got back to the flat I went straight to my room and started sobbing. Knowing it was best that I didn't tell them goodbye in person, I pulled out a pen and some paper and started to write my goodbye letters to both John and Sherlock. It killed me to do this but I had to, it was necessary to keep them both safe. Each word I wrote stabbed daggers into my heart, causing more tears to fall down my face. I packed up all my person belongings , then pulled the hood of my jacket up and walked outside into the cold London atmosphere. I was positive to check that both Sherlock and John were asleep before I left, making sure that they couldn't watch me drive off. I slipped into my car and drove off. Leaving them broke my heart to a million pieces, I had no idea where I was going but I knew the further I got from 221B Bakerstreet the better.  

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now