Chapter 11: Therapy

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Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes, it seriously means so much to me!! Anyway this is kinda a little filler chapter hence why it's short. Love you all-Nicole <3

Chapter 11: Therapy 

(John pov)  

 Awaking from my slumber, I walked down the stairs and walked into the main part of the flat. Once I walked into my living room I stopped in  my tracks. I could not belive my eyes, Sherlock was cuddling Gwen while they both were asleep on the couch. I smiled warmly, it was nice to know that he had some sort of soft side. I was tempted to take a picture of this rare moment, but I decided against it and left them ale. I sleepily shuffled to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for the morning.

" I wonder why Sherlock is out there with Gwen. Did something happen? She might of had some sort of nightmare about what happened with the terrorists" I thought in my head.    I 

(Gwen pov)  

 I slowly started to wake up. I felt a strange warmth, I was warmer then I had ever been when i was asleep. I streached out my hand and felt somones arms tighten around me. My eyes shot open in alarm before I remembered that Sherlock had spent the night with me. To my utter surprise, he had actually stayed the night with me. My movements must have woken him up because he was now pulling his arms away from me and streaching them upward. He yawned, and groaned slightly. 

"Thank you for staying" I said softly to him. His  beautiful eyes looked over at me a slight smile appeared on his lips. 

" You're welcome. It was a nightmare you had? Right?" He said sitting up. I nodded casting my glance down at the ground.  I didn't want to talk about it, the entire dream had seemed so real it wasn't even funny. 

"Yes it was. I really don't want to talk about it" I said softly. He placed one of his hands under my chin and lifted my gaze to him, with his other hand he cupped my cheek and I looked deep in his eyes.

"You are safe now, nothing will hurt you while you are here. I promuse " he said softly wiping away a tear that had fallen from my eye. I bit my lip slightly hoping that would stop me from crying, but that failed. The tears flowed freely from my eyes as I started sniffling.  I felt so weak, so broken and  so vunerable. I had become  a totally different person,  my weaknesses were now very exposed and I just wanted to curl up and hide from the world.

"Is everything alright?" John asked peeking his head in from the kitchen.  I glanced over at him, my vision blurred from my tears.

"Of course it isn't John! Don't be such a idiot!" Sherlock snapped standing up and walking back to his room. I wiped my tears away and stood up, a small sad smile on my face.  

"It's fine, it's just hard to recover from something like that" I said almost breaking down again. John frowned, as a understanding look appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, they really must have done terrible things to you" John said quietly. 

"Terrible wouldn't even be a good enough word to describe it. I was treated like a animal ,burned , branded, kicked, starved, collared, tied up ,b-beaten,c-c-cut.." I said as I started shaking and crying again. Horrid memories flashed in my mind, my stomach lurched making me feel like I was going to puke. I felt like the darkness was about to swallow me up when I heard a soft voice. 

"Gwen" John said gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him thought tear stained eyes. "It's going to be okay, we need to get you to a good therapist. It might help if you moved back to the flat with us to" he said kindly. I just nodded, knowing I was too shattered to live on my own. The nightmare I had was terrifying, I dreamed of The Blood Brothers breaking into the 221B and trying to take me back to their place. I shivered and sat down, my only response to John being a vague "okay". Sherlock walked into the kitchen, mumbling something to himself. My blank gaze staring out the window as if I was in some sort of trance. My mind was anywhere but here,  I just wanted to feel numb. John set down breakfast down in front of me. I just played with my food instead of eating it, my appetite vanished after my incident. I sighed softly taking a drink of my water.  

"Gwen I promise you therapy will help, I suffered from post traumatic stress and mine helped me" John said softly. I sighed softly, this would probably be good for me. But I had no desire to go to therapy, I just wanted to be numb to everything.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora