Chapter 19: Honeymooning part 2

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AN: I am seriously soo floored that ACOTC has now reached 2K, thank you soo much! I appreciate all these votes, comments and reads!! I'm seriously so happy you all enjoy this story! Thank you-Nicole

Chapter 19:Honeymooning part 2
I woke up to Sherlock's deep morning voice asking me to get up, he placed a soft kiss on my temple before poking my side. I let out a giggle and with that giggle he immediately knew that I was very ticklish.
" Come on Gwen wake up or I will be forced to tickle you untill you willingly get up" he said kissing my cheek. I stubbornly looked up at him from under the sheets.
"I'm awake" I said huddling under the covers. He smirked at me
"Yes, but you aren't out of bed yet. Which you need to be soon, seeing how we have some things to do today" he said smiling. I sighed, knowing that I was defeated so I had to get out of the bed. I threw aside the covers and stood up and stretched, Sherlock walked over to my side of the bed and hugged me from behind,he nuzzled my neck softly.
"Good morning Sunshine" he said softly. One of my hands reached up and caressed his cheek as I turned to face him.
"Good morning darling" I laughed resting my head against his chest. His hands ran through my hair as we shared a little tender moment. He pulled away and smiled warmly at me,
"I'll meet you in the kitchen, I suggest wearing something casual or beachy" he said with a wink as he left. I smiled and grabbed a beach bag, putting towels, sunscreen and some other things needed for the beach in it. I dressed in some short kaki shorts and a tank top with a anchor on it, over my swim suite. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and smiled as I walked into the kitchen. Sherlock had shorts on and a plain navy shirt, he was making some scrambled eggs for the two of us.
"Since when did you know how to cook normal things?" I asked sitting down at the table.
" After you had to stay with us, I had John teach me" Sherlock said smirking as he placed two plates down.
I took a bite of eggs and smiled at him.
"Mmmmm" I said.
Sherlock smiled and started eating as well. I couldn't help but look at him, the golden sunlight making his beautiful eyes glow against his pale skin. His dark curly hair was still slightly messy, this man, my husband was absolutely stunning. Sherlock's greenish blue eyes looked over to me, he must had noticed me staring at him because his cheeks were slowly turning a shade of red.
"Did I make you blush?" I said with a shy, teasing grin. Sherlock chuckled,
"Of course you did, I was just wondering what you were staring at" he said picking up the plates and putting them in the sink.
"We should probably get going" he said with a smile. I grabbed my backpack and we left the resort and walked towards the nearby beach. Sherlock took my hand and lead me to a part of the beach where there were two horses waiting for us.
" I've never rode a horse before" I said nervously as I walked up to the side of the creature. Sherlock chuckled,
" Let me help you, now put your left foot in the stirrup of the saddle" he said. I did as he said then almost fell off, but his hands caught my waist and pushed me on to the horse.
" I feel super tall" I giggled. Sherlock quickly mounted his horse then pulled it up to mine.
" I'm taking you somewhere special today, I'm hoping you're gunna like it" he said as we started to walk down the beach.
"I'm really glad we can spend some time together, and I'm sure I'll love it" I said smiling.
The horses trotted through the foamy waves of the sea, they seemed relaxed and happy. We rode for about a hour before crossing a shallow part of the bay and heading to a island.
" Is anyone else here?" I asked softly.
"No it's just us" Sherlock smiled as he hopped off his house and tied him up to a palm tree.
He offered me a hand and graciously helped me down from my horse.
"Thank you my kind sir" I said smiling up at him
"Now it's for the fun part" Sherlock grinned taking his shirt off. I chuckled at him, shaking my head slightly. To my surprise he ran and jumped into this calm lake, pond that was in the center of the island. When he came back to the surface he called me to join him, I giggled and shook my head. I wanted to go swimming but at the same time I wasn't in the mood for it right at this moment, I stuck my feet in the water and it was surprisingly warm. When suddenly, Sherlock wrapped his arms around me and drug me into the water.
"Stop it " I giggled keeping my head over the water. He let go of me and I splashed him, which led into a huge splash fight. After we were done splashing each other we sat in the shallow end of the pond, he looked into my eyes and leaned foreword and kissed me, I was a little surprised at first but I kissed him back. He pulled me onto his lap,his hands slightly sliding up my legs.
" You are soo beautiful" his deep voice rumbled in his chest. I felt a shiver go down my spine, his voice alone gave me goose bumps.
"Thank you" I said softly, my hands tangling in his dark,wet curly hair.
"I really mean it, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he said looking into my eyes and pressing his forehead against mine. I felt my cheeks redden, no one had ever said that to me.
" Well you are the most amazing, intelligent man I've ever met, I love you soo much" I said nuzzling into his neck.
"I love you to Mrs.Holmes" Sherlock said kissing me softly. I was so happy I was going to get to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful man.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz