Chapter 25:Lonely is my middle name

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Chapter 25: Lonely is my middle name

Within the past couple of months life had become very hectic, the FBI wanted me back, Sherlock was almost never home , John and Mary's wedding was soon and on top of that I had to juggle taking care of two baby boys. I mean I was expecting life to be hectic as a parent but not this busy. Seren started to cry a few minutes after I set him down in his crib, I got up and hurried to pick him up.
"Shhhh it's okay Seren it's okay" I said comforting him. As if on cue the doorbell rang and someone was impatiently knocking on the door. I sighed trying my best to hurry and answer the door. To my utter surprise it was Mycroft, I blinked a few seconds before coming to my senses.
"I've supposed you have heard your government wants you back right?" Mycroft said walking inside. I shut the door and balanced Seren on my hip. I was wondering why he was here, it wasn't normal for his to randomly pay a visit to 221B Baker Street.
"Yeah, I have. My question is why are you here?" I asked , trying my best not to sound rude.
" I have a preposition for you" Mycroft said sitting down and folding his hands over his lap .
"What would this be?" I asked curiously. Seren cooed on my hip and made grabby hands for Mycroft.
" It would seem that my co workers are interested in your services, as is the queen as well" he said. My jaw dropped, I was awestruck, the queen wanted my services! I sighed softly,
"Would I be able to work from home some days? Or is it all field work?" I asked sitting down and setting Seren on the ground
"It would be occasionally field work, but you will be able to work from home." Mycroft said softly. I nodded, this job offer sounded very interesting. Plus one of us needed to bring in a monthly income.
" I am willing to think about this, but I'm not so sure I can take it. I mean I have kids and a wedding coming up and I'm still trying to loose baby weight, my schedule is very busy" I said calmly.
Mycroft slightly sneered at me before a fake smile was plastered on his face, he sighed slightly.
"Fine, we will work around that busy schedule of yours. It's amazing how you and my brother managed to hook up. My, my what adventures you have gone on. I'm surprised you made it this far" he said . I glared at him, a sudden anger boiling in my stomach.
"What are you trying to say Mycroft?" I hissed.
" Look Gwen, I know you think things are running smoothly now but Sherlock's getting busy again and you know how he gets married to his work, I bet he doesn't even know what today is. He is new to the whole love thing." Mycroft said with a smug smirk. I blinked for a second, that's right, today was our first year anniversary. I sighed, Sherlock has seemed very distant, and most of the time he was working on either a case or some sort of experiment, I really did miss him.
"So what's your point?" I said getting defensive.
"My point is, he may be the same as he was before all this started picking up. Don't expect him to change just for you " Mycroft said staring me in the eyes. Seren crawled over to Mycroft and tugged on his pant leg. Mycroft picked him up then sat him on his knee.
I crossed my arms and frowned, this time I was going to tell him exactly what I thought of him.
"Just because you're some lonely, ice man with no heart. Doesn't mean that you should try and break up other peoples relationships" I said crossing my arms. Seren giggled then wanted to go back on the floor, Mycroft placed him gently on the ground before sitting back up .
"It was just a warning, I assure you that" Mycroft said glancing at Seren. Seren giggled then threw his hands up in the air before crawling back over to me.
"I'll probably take your job, thank you for telling me about it" I said getting tired of his accusations and overall his presence.
"Just be warned Gwen. My brother may bring up the walls once that were down". He said standing as I picked up Seren. I sighed and watched him leave. Could it be true? I mean he was very distant when he first met me and now he was becoming more and more distant.I sighed feeling very downcast all of the sudden, and as if nature had seen what happened it started to pour rain outside. Seren closed his eyes and soon fell asleep against my shoulder, I set him next to his brothers crib then sat in a rocking chair. Sky blinked and looked at me through his crib, he was the quiet boy out of the two and he always was very attentive. I walked over and picked him up and walked out of the room.
"Hello there Sky" I said with a smile. He smiled a toothless smile back at me before grabbing a piece of mmy hair and cooing. I walked back to my computer and continued to finish what I was sending the FBI. Sky blinked and looked at the computer screen, he said some baby jibberish before giggling like crazy.
I smiled and kissed my son's head, he made me very happy. The day passed by very slowly, Mary came over and had me help her with her wedding, that took up most of my day. Towards the end of the night I started to realize that Mycroft did have a point, I mean what girl wants to spends her one year anniversary without her husband? After feeding both boys and putting them to sleep, I decided I was gunna go to bed early for the night . I sighed and walked towards My room, I hadn't seen Sherlock all day and I was starting to think he had forgotten all about me and our anniversary. I opened the door and the lights were turned down low, there was candles and roses on the ground, and there laying on the bed was a rose petal covered Sherlock. It took me a minute to register what was happening before I started laughing.
"What?" He asked as a puzzled expression appeared on his face.
"You... Rose petals... Bed" I barely breathed as I laughed even harder. Sherlock sat up, a slight frown appearing on his face.
"John said you would like this" he said with a pouty expression. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and smiled at him.
"Do you listen to everything John says?" I asked with a laugh as I sat down on the bed.
"No" Sherlock said as his lower lip protruded out.
"Babe,you don't have to do anything special to impress me. Just being here means the world to me" I said with a smile as my hand caressed the side of his face. "But this is very romantic" I said with a smile. Sherlock looked at me a slight smile on his face.
" I am so sorry I haven't been around for you, or our children." He said as a sadness entered his beautiful eyes. I looked at him and kissed his cheek "I understand you have to work, I just miss you sometimes.
"I think about you all the time." He said softly, a tender look appeared in his eyes "One half of me is yours, the other half yours, Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours." He said softly. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his soft lips, he kissed me tenderly yet very passionately and with that kiss I remembered that we were each other's and nothing could change that.

AN: Hello Lovlies,
First I would like to thank you all for 7k reads. I was literally in tears when I found out! Thank you soo much! I hate to say it but there is only one chapter left of this story. I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me though this process of writing this fan fiction and for everyone who had to bear with all the spelling erros and ext. lots of love -Nicole :)

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now