Chapter 6:Bulletproof

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Chapter 6:Bulletproof

Chapter 6: Bulletproof

(John's P.O.V)

I woke up with a throbbing pain in both my head and body, whatever drug they had used to knock Gwen and I out was very strong. My vision came back to me and I noticed that I was all by myself. Where was Gwen? Was she okay? What exactly did Moriarity want with her? I noticed a man sitting in a corner on his phone, this must have been one of Moriarity's newer member watching me because he soon left right after I awoke. I tried to move and then I realized that I was tied up. I heard the faint sound of a car driving up to where ever I was. The door slammed and was followed by rapidly apporaching footsteps. I saw the outline of a man walking towards me, It had to either be Moriarity's man or Moriarity himself. I sat up ready to fight whoever was approaching me, I was about to say something when I heard Sherlock's familiar voice 'Shhing' me. He knelt down and started to untie me from my chair. He remained very stoic and controlled, I couldn't tell what was going on inside of his head.

"Thank you" I said softly, thankful that I was out of my bonds.

"We need to hurry in order to get to Gwen's location before he moves her again" Sherlock said rather quickly. I raised a eyebrow at him stunned by his words, after evaluating them a smug grin appeared on my face. I had a strange feeling that Sherlock might actually not despise Gwen as much as he acts like it anymore.

"Do yo-" I started to say before Sherlock cut me off. He glared at me, a sudden anger in his eyes,

"NO! I've told you before, what good does caring do for me? or the ones in danger?" he said turning around and flipping up his collar. I chuckled softly and shook my head, it was both strange and amusing to see how antsy Sherlock was about finding Gwen.Most people know a good amount of things about a person after knowing them a year or two, but in my case I was wrong. I was completely shocked at the emotion that was emitting from Sherlock. I stood up and followed him quickly outside as he dashed out of the abandoned flat. He suddenly stopped for a second, he stood there completely still and silent. He closed his eyes and I could see the cogs turning in his head. He was mulling something over in his mind, his finger brushed against a his temples as his brows furrowed together. His forehead wrinkled as he tried to concentrate on whatever was going in his head. I stood there waiting for a few minutes before he finally broke the silence. His eyes suddenly opened as a scowl appeared on his face.

"STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! Of course she wouldn't be there!" he said agitated. He ran his hands through his black short curly hair as he sighed in frustration. I smiled, it was quite amusing seeing Sherlock as flustered as he was right now. He hailed a taxi and we both got in, he quickly Informed the cabbie the address and we went on our way.

"Can you go any slower? I know this car can go faster than it is going right now!" He snapped at the cabbie. the cabbie gave him a look then eventually sped up.

"What has your knickers In a twist? " I mumbled under my breath as we sped through the rainy London streets.

( Gwen's P.O.V)

Sebastian had just made the mistake of cutting my bonds and only handcuffing me and putting me in a corner. I watched him as he cleaned his gun. I was attempting to calculate how many different was that I would be able to escape from his grasp. We both sat in silence, sharing a glare from time to time. I sighed softly then pushed my hair out of my face.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now