Chapter 23: Pain is weakness leaving the body

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Thank you for reading this new chapter :) I hope yall have a happy holidays, there also might be a short Christmas special that I will post tomorrow! I hope you enjoy. Lots of love -Nicole

Today was the day that I had feared the most, it was December 12. The day that I was supposed to bring our two little darlings into the world. My heart quivered in my chest, I sat up unable to sleep. Sherlock was still asleep next to me, his ink black curly hair all messy and his pale lips slightly parted so he could breathe. He was absolutely adorable, I slightly traced a finger over his jaw, temporarily forgetting about my worries for the day.
All I wanted to do was curl up and go back to sleep next to my husband, But I needed to get up and at least make breakfast. I sighed then got up and slightly waddled to the bathroom, I undressed then got into the shower letting the warm water run over my aching back. Once I got out and dressed in some sweats and a shirt, I wanted to be comfy today. I walked down to the kitchen and started making breakfast when suddenly it hit me. There was a terrible pain in my upper abdomen that soon rolled into my lower abdomen it left me doubled over in pain. I proceeded to stand up when I felt a sudden wetness between my legs, I then realized that my water had just broke.
"Sherlock!! John!!" I yelled as I started to inwardly panic. There was a dull ache in my back and now felt pressure in my lower stomach area. Both men ran down the stairs to find me leaning against the cabinet, I must have looked a mess.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" Both John and Sherlock asked.
"I think I'm starting to go into labor" I said as I started to shake . Sherlock immediately paled and staggered a bit, he looked as if he was about to pass out.
"Now?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes, now why would I lie to you" I said crankily.

"Okay Sherlock, we need to time the contractions. Mild contractions should be 15 to twenty minutes apart and only last either a minute or a minute thirty. Once they are three to four minutes apart we should probably take her to the hospital" John said.
I called Mary while I could still think, I needed another woman here.

"Hello?" Mary asked

"Hey! I just thought I should let you know that I started going into labor" I said softly

"Oh! Oh my! I'll be over as soon as I can. Are you going to go to the hospital?" She asked softly

"Yeah, once my contractions get closer together" I said quietly.

"Okay Hun I'll be there soon" .she said hanging up. Another contraction hit me and I whimpered slightly in pain, both John and Sherlock looked at me before looking at each other.

"Love, are you alright" Sherlock said wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face into his chest feeling a few tears running down my face. He rubbed a hand up and down my back to comfort me, I was absolutely terrified. Five hours drug on before my contractions were finally exactly four minutes apart, Mary arrived during that time and comforted me. She sat in the back with me as we drove to Bart's Hospital, holding my hand and giving me encouragement I needed . I moaned in pain, tears streaming down my face this was too much for me. They wheeled me into a hospital room before changing me into a hospital robe and placing a strap around my swollen belly to monitor the twins heartbeat. A doctor came in with a nurse,
"Mrs.Holmes, you're most likely going to have to have a C-Section on the second baby. I just thought I should tell you now " he said looking serious.

"Okay" I said feeling very very concerned.

" Don't worry they do that with everyone having twins" the other nurse said as the doctor walked out.

"Hun you're almost there, I'll check on you again in a minute to see if you will be able to push" the nurse said. Mary sat by my side and held my hand, Sherlock on the other hand looked pretty nauseous and sick.

"Do you need to step out?" John asked softly as he looked at Sherlock. Sherlock shook his head and started pacing, he was very nervous I could tell. Another contraction hit me, I squeezed Mary's hand tightly the pain from the contractions were just getting worse and worse. The nurse walked over and checked to see if I was dilated enough to push.

"Okay Hun I'm gunna need you to push when I say so okay?" She said softly. I nodded as tears ran down my face, John stood by Mary as Sherlock walked over to my free hand. He grabbed it in his cold clammy shaky hand, giving me a slight relief and reassurance that he was here for me. A nauseous feeling washed over me as I started shivering, I cried out in pain as another contraction hit me

"Push now!" the nurse said. I did as she said, I was already exhausted I just wanted to sleep and go home.

"Darling you can do this" Sherlock said softly as he kissed my forehead. As every contraction hit I pushed, wanting to get this baby t of me .

" Baby number one is crowing" the nurse said excitedly. I screamed as another contraction hit, I pushed and then the nurse grabbed the baby.

"It's a boy" she said with a smile. "Would the husband like to cut the cord" she asked looking at Sherlock. He nodded and walked over and snipped the cord, he came back over to me looking a but sicker then he did before. I chuckled slightly ay him
The nurses wrapped the baby in a blanket after cleaning him off.

" Congrats" John said with a warm smile.

"Gwen, are you feeling alright?" Mary asked softly, as her blue eyes looked at me concerned.

"I'm okay" I said weakly. The nurse brought over our son, she placed him in my arms and I couldn't help but to cry.

"What's his name?" Both Mary and the nurse asked. I looked up to Sherlock,

"I like Seren Hamish Holmes " he said with a smile I nodded, with a warm smile. I handed Sherlock the baby.
As the same doctor walked in

"Mrs.Holmes were ready for you in the surgery room" he said softly. I looked at Sherlock worriedly.

"It will be okay Gwen." Mary said with a smile.

"Believe me you will be okay. I mean you did take a bullet for Sherlock and I." John said softly. They wheeled me out of the room then took me to the surgery room, a mask was put over my face and within seconds I was out.

Sherlock (p.o.v)

I looked down at my son with a smile, I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Tears ran down my face as I felt a overwhelming pride in not only my wife but my child as well. Seren yawned and snuggled up to my chest, I couldn't believe it I was a father.

"Can I hold him?" Mary asked. I nodded with a smile handing her Seren. John smiled at me "Congratulations" he said with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure Gwen would want me to tell you that you both are the godparents" I said. Both John and Mary looked at me awestruck.

"It's a honor" Mary said cuddling Seren.

I waited anxiously for Gwen to get out of surgery, the bubbly nurse smiled as she brought me another baby.
" It's another boy" she smiled as she placed him in his arms
I smiled warmly "what did Gwen say she wanted to name him?" I asked softly.
Within seconds they wheeled her back in
"I wanted to name him Sky Alexander" Gwen said sleepily. She looked so exhausted but I was proud of her. John and Mary stood next to me, this was a perfect moment with the people I loved most and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now