Chapter 13: A Romantic Carriage Ride

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\ After eleven long years of dealing with the Blood Brothers, It was a immeadiate relief to have them out from under my skin. Sherlock was going to take me out for dinner tonight, it was our three (technically sixth) year anniversary. John had most likely helped Sherlock with planing the entiere thing, because romance wasn't Sherlock's expertise. I had a feeling that this would be a special night so I had decided to curl my hair and put makeup on my face for once. I walked to the closet and pulled out a long red form fitting dress with little black and gold heels. I sighed slightly as I slid the dress over my body. I smiled glancing at myself in the mirror, for the first time in a long time I actually looked happy. A knock sounded on my door as I sprayed a bit of perfume on.

"Come on in" I said with a slight smile. John cautiously opened the door then proceeded to walk in. He smiled warmly at me, a excitement in his eyes told me he knew something I didn't.

" You look  beautiful! Anyway, Sherlock said to come down soon. He will be waiting for you outside" He said leaving me alone in the room. I sighed slightly and grabbed my purse, nervous butterflies flitted around in my stomach. There was no need to be nervous but for some reason I was. I glanced at myself one more time before walking down the stairs. Mrs.Hudson smiled at me then waved as I walked down the stairs to go outside. To my complete and utter surprise, there was a horse drawn carriage. Sherlock stood infront of it, his beautiful eyes glancing up and me as I walked towards him. He observed my every feature as a hint of pink flush appeared on his cheeks

"Wow! The carriage is beautiful" I said smiling as I walked up to him.

"There is nothing more beautiful then what I see infront of me." he said helping me up into the carriage. I giggled, this flirting from him sounding so strange yet I really did like it. I sat down then he sat next to me,  gently telling the driver to go . He was very tense, he kept his hands folded in his lap and looked deep in thought, overall he looked  nervous.

"You look absolutely stunning" he said smiling warmly at me..

"Thank you, you're looking very handsome as well" I grinned. He had a tux on with a purple tie, and a white  button downshirt, he looked devilishly handsome. The carriage pulled us around untill we reached St.James park, I glanced around at the beautiful park here in London. There was a little table under two trees that had lights strung up in them, on the table was a candelabra and two covered plates, red and pink rose petals surrounded the grass around it. This was absolutely beautiful, there had been a lot of thought put into this and I absolutely loved it. He opened the carriage door and helped me out.

"It's beautiful, absolutely beautiful" I smiled hugging him tightly. He was surprised at my hug, but quickly  hugged me back.

"I'm glad you like it. John helped me set up" he said softly. I giggled as he took my hand and lead me to the table. When he took the lids off of our plates there was filet minon, and some mashed potatoes and two wine glasses.

"Would you want some wine?" He asked.

"Yes please, Sherlock this all so lovely" I said softly as he poured the wine in my glass.

"Thank you, but its not as lovely as you" he said softly. He seemed a little bit out of character tonight, I wonder what had him so nervous. He poured himself a glass before taking a sip, I took a sip of my glass as well. We ate the wonderful dinner that was made, occasionally smiling at each other and talking for a bit before he suddenly stood up. He reached under the table and pulled out his violin.

"What are you-?" I started to say.

"Shhh just listen, I wrote this for you" he said placing his violin under his chin. He pulled the bow across the strings and started to play. The song was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard, it had so many emotions evident in it. He had  really poured his passion and heart into this song. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched him play, the song was just so wonderful. The song ended and he looked at me, I smiled at him as he set his violin on the table.

"What did you think?" He asked as I stood up and walked toward him. I looked up at him smiling, he looked right into my eyes.

"It was the most beautiful and wonderful thing I have ever heard" I said in a small whisper as I leaned foreword and pressed my lips against his. My arms wrapping around his neck, as he slipped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. My fingers lightly curled into his dark, lucious locks. He pulled away and lovingly looking into my eyes, there was a faint flush on both of our faces.I smiled shyly as I pressed my nose against his, enjoying our moment together.

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." he said softly. My heart fluttered, he did not just quote Shakespeare to me! I loved Shakespeare. This night was one of the best nights of my life. I smirked slightly, knowing exactly what to say to him.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee,The more I have, for both are infinite." I whispered as he held me, his eyes showed exactly what he was feeling. I could see he truly loved me, he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. My heart pounded in my chest as I kissed him back. I was so glad I met him, I felt as if he and I belonged together. I pulled away to catch my breath as I heard the carriage approaching us . He smiled at me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the carriage. The ride back was wonderful, we stopped at the place we first met and many other places that meant a lot to our relationship, it even stopped at the place where we were reunited for the first time in ten years. This night had been the best night ever and I never wanted it to end . The carriage suddenly  stopped right before the flat.

"Through this night this carriage has had to stop, but my love for you never will. An undying burning courses thought my heart when we are together, and I know when I feel these sensations, that you can be the only one who's love I can trust to never end. Will you Gwen, become my wife and spend the rest of your days with me?" Sherlock said getting down on one knee. I blinked a couple times to make sure this was a real, my eyes watered as I attempted to speak but all that came out were little squeaks.

" YES!" I said as he gently took my hand and placed the ring on it. I smiled and practically jumped on him when I gave him a hug. He sorta stumbled backward and fell back, obviously not expecting me to do that.

"Sorry" I giggled. He smiled at me

"It's alright, Should I expect this more often?" He said with a chuckle. John walked out of the flat with Mrs.Hudson as they glanced at us.

"Goodness, looks like you two need a room! Congrats on the engagement " John said laughing.

"Congratulations Sherlock, Gwen. I'm so happy for you" Mrs Hudson beamed.

"Thanks" I said softly, remembering that I was going to be Mrs.Holmes. I loved this man so much, I was happy that he returned my affections.

//A Special thanks to Violet for giving me the idea for the preposal<3//

A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sherlock fanfic) [Book one] *Editing and Revising*Where stories live. Discover now