She heard the water stop running and quickly sat in her seat erasing all the worry in her face. Then Boruto came running around the hallway with a grin that turned into a 'Oh snap' look instantly as his mother gave him the 'No running' look. Boruto sheepishly smiled back slowly sitting across her beloved mother and began to eat on of his favorite breakfast treats. Waffles. He simply didn't like the soft texture that was known as pancakes. He likes his crispy and his mom knew exactly what he liked for breakfast.

Boruto bummed with satisfaction as the crispy sweet taste filled his mouth with every bite. Hinata could only smile at her son's sheer satisfaction and couldn't help but dig in her own set of waffles and mentally complimented herself for a damn good job.

After a couple minutes of a comforting silence Hinata decided to ask Boruto a question.

"Do you still want to go to school?" Hinata carefully asked stacking up their finished plates.

"Yeah! There gonna talk about the great Uzumaki clan today! And there's no way in hell im-" Boruto quickly slapped his hand and instantly regretted answering a question longer than he should. Geez thanks Uncle Kiba.

"Boruto! There will be no such words used in this household" Hinata firmly said standing up with a motherly towering pose that made Boruto nod his furiously.

"Gomen! Kaa-san!" Boruto apologized waving his hands in front of him.

Hinata huffed out and silently sent her son to get changed which he obediently agreed.

Hinata was very strict with her son's language. She wasn't going to raise no sailor. She always hated it when people used such words around her, and with her newfound reputation for a fighter, many respected that rule and not utter a single peep near the heiress.

Hinata picked up the plates with the sticky syrup and gently proceeded to wash the dishes. She hummed a tune and watched as the sun was making its full display. She could hear the birds rise and chirp in her small kitchen window as she washed the dishes one by one. She smiled and breathed in the fresh aroma of the soap mixed with the morning freshness. She could hear the heavy footsteps of her son walking around in different directions in a panic like fashion and wondered what could he possibly lose this time. She knew that pattern of footsteps. She was always so neat and organized as a child. She wondered if Naruto was once this unorganized. She giggled to herself thinking of such a happy memory. Maybe her son picked up one of his bad traits and happily smiled. She After all didn't know all his flaws.

Hinata dried her hands in the small kitchen towel and walked out the kitchen and headed up the stairs to hear words like "Dammit!" "I know it's here!" "Sarada is going to kill me..."

Hinata's eyebrow twitched at hearing words she didn't like again. She decided to let it slide and knocked on his door making the blond boy freeze and stay silent.

"You ready Boruto?"

"H-Hai!" Boruto responded coming outside his door with a smile of pure defeat. His fake smile didn't fool his mother. She decided not to press on it and concluded for it to be a childish antic his friends probably played with. Especially with a certain Uchiha.

Hinata grabbed her small lavender short sleeved sweater and grabbed her keys. She put her sweater on tying her long tresses at the back and walked outside with her son next to her. He ran towards the gate while she locked the door and waved at the blushing neighbors and were set to the path to school.

Hinata walked hand in hand with her son as mother and son waved and greeted people who passed by. Hinata was well known and loved. Her kindness reached out to many people and was respected in Konoha despite her banishment and single mother status. She guessed her strength brought her all this good fortune.

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