"No?" Bellamy asked, running up to stand to Loxy's right, putting her right between the two of them. "Both came down here to protect someone we love."

Wells stiffened immediately, his pace slowing down slightly. "Shut up, Amy. Maybe if you didn't spend so much time trying to figure people out you'll realize you've got it all wrong." Loxy tried defending him, but Bellamy just let out a light chuckle.

"Relax, Red. His secret's safe with me. 'Course for him it's worse. With Spacewalker around Clarke doesn't even see you," he turned to Wells. "It's like you're not even here."

Wells stopped completely, falling back into the rear. Loxy decided to give him so space, knowing if she prodded him right now it would only upset him.

"You never shut up, do you?" Loxy spat in annoyance, ignoring Bellamy's eye.

"You don't exactly have room to talk, Red." He fired back. "And I know I'm the only one trying to figure out people."

"Maybe not, but at least I do it without being so obvious." Loxy snarled, folding her arms as they continued walking. "In case you haven't noticed, cracking people is kinda my specialty."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. For example, ever since Clarke told Finn about the wristbands yesterday, I knew you were going to use that information to your advantage. So it wasn't hard to predict you were going to go after Clarke just now." Loxy looked up to see a small hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Not bad."

"I just can't decide what you did to get that guard's uniform for the dropship." Loxy said thoughtfully, tapping her chin for emphasis. "Did you steal it? Did you take it from the body of a guard? Or did someone give it to you?"

His jaw clenched at the third option, immediately giving Loxy what she was looking for. "Ah, a secret deal. Who—"

"Stop talking and just focus on finding Jasper," Bellamy interrupted her, his eyes growing cold but Loxy could sense his fear.

"What did you do, Amy? From the looks of it you did something bad. Did you kill someone?" Loxy pressed, determined to get to the bottom of his story.

"You're so keen on talking. What about you? Why did you want to sneak into the dropship?" Bellamy questioned, eagerness in his voice.

"I did it for an escape. Seemed better than being locked away in a cell," Loxy answered, not showing any emotion to reveal anything.

At this point he was growing frustrated, his hands balling into fists. "And why would you do that? You couldn't just wait till you were eighteen to be executed."

Loxy felt a smirk slowly etch onto her lips. Using the element of surprise was always her favorite. "I'm not eighteen, nor will I ever be again, Amy. I'm twenty."

She didn't wait for a reaction before quickening her pace, meeting up with Finn and Clarke once again. "Did you find their trail?" She asked, mainly looking at Spacewalker since he was the tracker.

"Yeah, come on. We need to hurry." Clarke uttered, turning away and leading the group on. They began following a creek, kicking pebbles beneath their feet.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy piped up, shoving his hands carelessly in his pockets.

"We don't." Bellamy replied, his eyes landing on Finn. "Spacewalker here thinks he's a tracker."

"It's called fourth-year Earth skills, genius. He's good." Loxy defended him, giving Finn a curt nod as a way to say you're welcome.

Both Finn and Clarke stooped down, picking up an object in the rocks. Jasper's goggles. They both exchanged glances, ignoring everyone else around them.

DON'T LET ME GO   ►   BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now