Chapter Eighteen

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YAS I LEFT FOR A LONG TIME AFTER GIVING YOU THE BIGGEST CLIFFHANGER YET! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! *Coughs* Enjoy the newest installment of the runaway prince. This story is coming to an end real soon. There are only two chapters left to go. Along with an epilogue if required. So without further ado, read on.

Acnologia plastered a wicked grin on his face, holding the knife to Lucy's throat. He wouldn't dare...would he?

"Now, Now. My sweet little dragon. How it would be a shame if I were to let my hand slip."

My eyes widen. Lucy. I felt something warm in my chest. The heat only grew as time past, staring at her. The scene of the king slitting her throat played out through his mind a million times. My heart raced and my hands clenched into fists. Still, the heat builded. There was a red filter over everything.

I suddenly heard a hissing noise and I looked to my left; The chains were melting. They were red with heat and steaming.

There seemed to be a growing fear within the eyes of the antagonist before him. So much so that he staggered. Bringing the girl with him.

A maniacal grin seemed to crawl onto my face as I was released and dropped to the ground. I moved forward to Acnalogia.

"W-what? Impossible! There's no possibility- how! No... Stay away.. away you demon!"

I growled a response, "Let her go."

His fearful gaze hardened.
"Never. You can't make me."
((What are you? A child?))

"You made a big mistake acme! Let Lucy go!"

He let out an exasperated sigh. "How many times must I tell you that my name is not acne! It's Acnologia!"

I stopped in frustration. He was really getting on my nerves. "Does it look like I give a crap, pimple popper? I'm trying to lead up to an epic monologue!"

"Listen here, acne. You've tortured me all my life. You've hurt me, bruised me, locked me away. I haven't been able to see my sister grow into the beautiful girl she is. That was all because of you. You can damage my life all you like, but never. Come near the people I care about-" I grabbed his robes and brought him to my face, "-or so help me, I will beat you until there's not a place left of you bleeding and you're on the ground writhing in agony. Even after, I will burn you to a pile of ashes and make sure there are no remains to speak of."

He was trembling in fear now.

"This is why I locked you away.. you monster-DEMON! There's not a place for you here. I will have saved this kingdom.." He suddenly moved his arm. The one I remembered to be holding a knife. My eyes widened a bit, "..By getting rid of a monster like you!" I felt a sudden agonizing pain in my side. I brought myself to release his collar and crumpled to the ground. Blood pooled around me steadily and I coughed hazardly.

"And once you are gone, I will take the power you have from you. Poor prince Natsu was so dreadfully sick. It was too much for the boy to bear! I tried everything in my power to heal him and make him well.. but to no avail! He sadly passed away from the unknown illness, leaving no successor to the throne." A manicle laugh followed the commentary
"Oh of course. I won't need one once I have all that delicious power you hold."

"Lucy.." I managed to choke out as she gazed with a shell shocked face. "Please.. run away. Get out of here... it's.. not safe... for you." I hacked a clot of blood out of my throat.

"N-Natsu.. No! I won't leave you! You were my best friend over the weeks when I thought there wasn't anyone else as good as you!"

My face fell. Best Friend.

The king let out a histarical cackle. "HA! This girl doesn't even know? How on earth could she be so oblivious?"

"What?" She whispers. She looks at me with pleading eyes. "Natsu? What's he talking about?"

My distant gaze brought to her eyes as I tried to tell her with the only way I could manage. And with that look, the girl brought a hand to her face.

"Haha! Yes my dear girl! You, the lucky girl has made the charming prince fall in love with you!"

I flinched away. I couldn't hold the stare.

"Natsu? Natsu, please!"

"Just leave lucy! You won't want to see this. . . And if you see my little sister.. tell her I leave the safety of our kingdom in her hands, and that I know that she will be the greatest queen ever known."

"Natsu, stop talking like that! You aren't going to die!"

I finally brought the saddened gaze to her eyes and said the words I never thought I'd be able to say to her face: "Lucy, I've loved you since I first set eyes on you. Nothing will change that, not even in death. But right now, I can't stand to see you hurt with me. Leave. Trust me when I say you don't want to see what's next." The serious look on my face must have spoken for me, because she ran with tears streaming as I turned to face my enemy again. This time with a slowly bleeding out side, and not even the hope that I will survive, but will rescue the people I care for, and most importantly, the girl I love. Lucy Heartfilia.





There ya go guys! Two chapters left! (So sorry for crap writing and not sticking to the story line. When I'm done with this, I might take a break then come back to rewrite it with actual plot and decent writing)

WC: 981

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