Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I woke up, I was sore and groggy. I lifted myself up, running a hand through my faded hair. Last night came back to me as I blushed slightly.

I finally grasped my surroundings and I realized that I was on the floor of the guild hall, that's what the rebellion called their party room. I had slept on the wooden floor after passing out around four o'clock. I glanced around, seeing the people who weren't as smart as others and chose to stay, waking up like me. Surprisingly, my mother and sister were among them. Still being half asleep, I didn't realize there was a head propped up against my chest. A head with golden hair fast asleep. There was a moment of panic before I awkwardly nudged her head, which resulted in her opening her beautiful brown eyes slowly. She groaned at the action of waking herself, but eventually sat up. I saw her look to the far wall where a grandfather clock ticked. It read eleven forty-five. I thought nothing of it before Lucy yelled in dismay:

"WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT WORK! LET'S GO, NATSU! HURRY!" She grabbed my arm and dragged my half asleep self out the door and back into the streets.

Lucy came up with the idea of grabbing some groceries so we didn't look as suspicious. So now we walked through the streets, me weighed down by bags of who knows what, while Lucy strutted beside me with a little basket with just cheese and two apples.

It was at this time, Lucy remembered that it was her day off and they had bought the groceries for no apparent reason. We, or rather, she decided on a picnic on the roof of Love and Lucky, now that she knew that we could both get up there easily.

We scrambled to the roof, unnoticed by anyone and started up conversation.

"So Natsu," Lucy started thoughtfully whilst biting into a red apple, "How long have you been in the rebellion?"

I ran a hand through my hair.
"Hard to say. Myself, I only joined recently, but my father was very active in it, so they welcomed me, my mother, and sister."

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know about your family."

I grinned to lighten the mood a little.
"How could you? It's not like I wear a shirt that says I have a depressing past."

She giggled, "I guess," then she frowned.

"What?" I wavered.

She pointed to my hair, which was blowing wildly in the wind. Her eyes widened and she gaped.

"What's wrong?" I asked again, a little more impatient.

"Y-Your hair..." She trailed.

I caught a strand in the wind and looked at it. All remaining ash has rubbed off onto my hands. My eyes widen as I hurriedly stand up. My skittish figure searches for escape as Lucy finishes.

"It... It's... Pink."





Sorry for the short chapter! This is about half a chapter and I feel kinda ashamed. But I hope you enjoyed! ByeBye!

Word count: 513

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