Chapter Fifteen

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I'm afraid that I have no picture to put up. Got a new phone for Xmas and I lost all 500 of my Fairy Tail pictures. Also, I think this story may be nearing the end in just a few chapters. I anticipate about... maybe 5-6. But without further ado, onto the chapter..

They led me away briskly. The hallway flew by as my onyx eyes darted frantically around for an escape. I had been cleaned up by the servants, no longer an ash-ridden mess. We halted before doors of gigantic porportion. Taking a breath, we continued.

As the doors creak echoed through the large room, my eyes fell on the figure of the man I always hated. It was because I knew the things many others didn't. I knew that he was the murderer of my father.

"Ah, Natsu, my dear boy. How have you been? It sure has been a while since we were able to talk like this." He greeted, snapping a journal closed. He waved off the guards holding me and they left without a second thought.

I stood with an emotionless glare.

"What do you want King Acne?" I said with a smirk. I saw his eye twitch at the nickname and his small grin had disappeared.

He breathed, "I was just going to welcome you home, and try to talk this out like any father would-"

I snapped at his words- "We both know that you are not my father. You never will be. And as long as you are here, as far as I'm concerned, this is not my home."

He finally dropped the act.
"Yes, well, you don't really have to worry about that for much longer, do you, little dragon?" He sneered. "Soon I will have your power, then I can finally dispose of you, just like I did your father."

I growled as I felt heat build up in my hands.

"Oh, am I making you angry, little dragon?"

Steam floated upwards from my clenched fists. "Don't  call me that. Only my father can call me that."

He pranced up to me and bent his face forward. "Oh, but I am your father, little dragon. There's nothing you can do about!" He cackled.

I had finally had enough. I let out a shout and lunged forward, fists blazing with wildfire. I landed a hit on him. He staggered backwards.

"Guards!" He yelled. They came rushing in. They restrained me, cuffing  me with a magic reducing binding.

The "king" walked up to me, wiping his nose where I had hit him. My glare never wavered. He brought his face close to mine as I sat in defiance.

"You know, maybe the next person will be that little blonde girl you were running around with. Hm? After all, she was aiding and assisting a fugative. But of course, you won't mind about that will you? You'll sit back and watch me kill her, just like that night you watched him die."

MY eyes widened. No.. not Lucy.. not Luce, my luce. The thoughts kept rushing into my head, the image of her dead in my arms, then all I saw was red.





Whale.. Happy holidays.

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