Chapter Ten

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Okay Guys, this is for my regulars. CrazyCatLady123456 and KawjuanaBriscoe who always support me on this story. I'm sorry for that false update before, it was an accident. I finally finished though, so here ya go guys!


As Lucy was rinsing her burned finger with luke warm water, I was yanked aside by Mira. She brought me down and whispered something in my ear.

"Prince Natsu! I think it would be best if you don't leave tonight."

"What? Why?"

"Because Lucy has noticed your outings."

My eyes grew wide. "What?" She continued to explain their plan.

"I can't bail on everyone though!" I replied.

"I can't stop you from leaving, but try to be careful that they don't follow you." With that, she turned to continue making the desserts from before. Lucy turned around, inspecting her finger.

"I think it's okay now!" She called.

I put up a smile.
"That's great, Lucy!" While I secretly dreaded the night to come.


It was nine o'clock, and Erza had just arrived with her stuff. She revealed to us that she would be staying for the next five days because her mother and father were going out of town.

While I feigned cheerfulness, my brain was working to figure out a plan of escape for tonight.

Erza got settled into Lucy's room, and I heard them constantly chatting about random things.

Just like girls. I thought to myself. They could've had me fooled if it weren't for Mira.


I was talking to Erza about how he sneaks out, but I can sense that she doesn't entirely believe me.

"I'm serious, Erza!"

"I'm sorry, but I just don't see how our klutzy Natsu is able to pull off escaping through a window! He can't even walk on the curb outside without falling off! How do you expect me to believe that he jumps out a window and disappears?"

"Because I've seen it! You have to believe me!" Erza seemed to let the words seep in, and she contemplated whether or not to believe her friend. She finally gave in.

"Fine, I trust you, but do we have a plan to follow him? If he goes out the window and disappears, as you say, how are we supposed to know where he's going?" She reasons.

"Well, he can't exactly vanish, now can he? I suspect that he most likely takes to the rooftop." I explain.

"Of course! It makes perfect sense!" We continued planning for the next couple of hours, only taking a few small breaks. One being because Erza wanted some of Mira's strawberry cake that she had so unwisely left to sit on the bar.

Finally the time came when my mother called lights out and blew out all of the candles.

"Okay Erza, you'll see. My mom inspects the house every night for lighters and she has the only one. You saw her blow out all the candles. You'll see that he has a one lit."

We crept over to his door, which was cracked slightly. Peeping through the crack, we saw something illuminate the room.

"See!" I whispered, and she nodded in dumbstruck confusion. We saw him rummage through a bag, checking that everything was there. He threw up his hood and took a few paces back.

"He's not going to do what I think he's going to do.. Is he?" The light went out, and we ever so slowly creaked the door open, but he didn't notice.

We saw him bolt to the window and he leaped out with no hesitation. Erza gaped, and I saw a terrified look plastered on her face. She rushed to the window and looked down, before letting out a sigh of relief.

"I can't believe this. You were right, he does jump out the window without falling to his death." She said softly, dumbfounded at the situation.

"We need to go now before we lose him!" I called.

"Are you okay with roof transportation? Aren't you afraid of almost everything?"

I shot her a glare. "Just- Let's go!" I grumbled.

I jumped up on the windowsill, foolishly glancing down. I gaged at the dizzying height, before letting out a grunt, and grabbing the rooftop to pull myself up. I scrambled to the top, and I watched as Erza followed, having a much easier time with it. I looked at the rooftops, and stared in amazement at the staggering view. The rooftops layered each other, mimicking the waves of the ocean, and the city sparkled with the lamp lights of the night. Scanning the horizon, I spotted a dark figure, sneaking across the roof. I nudged Erza who was fixated on the beauty of the midnight town, and gestured to it.

"That's gotta be him." I stated. "Let's go."

We stumbled across, not keeping nearly a good a balance than he, but we always kept him in sight. At last he stopped and jumped down from the roof with ease, next to a run down, abandoned looking building. We both relentlessly searched for a much simpler, and safer way down. Finally, we managed to scramble off, with the help of some trash bins. We hid behind a post, he didn't seem to notice. He drew down his cloak, and we saw that his hair, had faded. A slot in the door opened, revealing two eyes. He drew his cloak back a showed the eyes something on his upper arm. Come to think of it, I had never seen his upper arm, nor ever thought anything of it. The door opened revealing the last person I would have expected.


"Welcome back Natsu!" She greeted cheerfully.
"Your mother and sister are waiting for you down there."

We sat stunned, we thought he was an orphan. A stab of guilt pierced as Mira's words from earlier echoed through my thoughts.

'but he does it for a good reason you know... So I didn't dare report it to your mother.'

"I thought he was an orphan!" Erza whispered, "and where on earth did he learn how to travel by rooftop?" In the midst of our whispered convorsation, a sharp movement caught our eye. We turned back to see that he had turned around, revealing his shoulder to us. Both our eyes widened. We both knew that mark, it was the mark of the rebellion, and the crest of the royal family.

We turned to each other and seemed to have a conversation within our eyes. We were both thinking the same thing. Why? And How?

We were broken once again when a shadow fell upon us. We cautiously glanced up, and saw non other than Natsu.

"Well, looks like my secrets out, Mira." He called. "They know I'm in the rebellion."





HEY GUYS WHATS UP?! I updated a bit sooner! YAY!! Gosh, has it been ten chapters already? Sorry, I kinda postponed them finding out that he was the prince, BUT I have good reasoning for that. Of course I'm not going to tell you but... Yeah! Hope you enjoyed and look forward to more! ByeBye Brownies!

Your Nut, Meg!

Word Count: 1188

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