Chapter Fourteen

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I paced the room frantically. After we were caught, Gajeel brought us in. After I thought I had finally escaped this wretched place, I find myself back here anyway. Worse of all, I left Happy back at the cafe. Well... Maybe it's not so bad, it's definitely a lot quieter.

I studied the familiar surroundings. My old room, or dungeon as I often referred to it. I couldn't stop thinking about Luce. I begged them to let her go, but they had taken her in for 'aiding a fugitive.' Overall, it was unbelievable. I heard a clicking sound from the hall outside the door. A familiar smell touched my nose as I growled. The door handle turned as a stubby little man poked his head through the door.

"P-P-Prin-ce Nat-tsu..." He quivered.

Immediately I grew impatient with the man. "Just spit out what your going to say! I don't have time for this none-sense!"

He cowered behind the door with shaking knees. "Y-y-y-yes m-my p-p-prin-c-ce."

Annoyed, I brought my hand to my forehead with a slap and dragged it down my face. A scowl was present as I spoke the next few words. "What is it?"

"S-Sir. H-His Majesty I-is requesting y-your p-presence."

"Tell him that if he wants to speak with me, he must come find me himself," I growled.

"B-But sir! His M-M-Ma-Majesty--"

"Will come to me unless he wishes to meet his demise at my hand along with you." My eyes flashed scarlet as I spoke. I was loosing control over myself and my emotions. I couldn't stop thinking of Lucy and how I dragged her into this. I was angry. Angry at everyone I saw and everyone who worked for 'His Majesty.' Most of all, however, I was infuriated at myself for being so careless. I was so caught up in my new life, I forgot that I was running from my old one. I'm the cause of this. It's about time that I fixed my mistakes.






I let a smirk slip through. The short man seemed to notice and cowered at the look of deviousness.

"M-My P-Prince?"

"Tell King Acnologia that I will be there shortly. He can send whatever guards he wishes to retrieve me if he likes."

Without another word, the timid man scurried away, once again locking my only exit.

How my bedroom had remained the same. Never had I expected it to change anyway. After all, why would the murderer care to keep it maintained? It was remarkably dusty, trashed beyond repair. There were a few anonymous stains that I cared not to think of. No windows, nor a closet. One plain room with a few accessories to shake any suspicion.

I thought of Ms. Heartfilia. How was I going to explain to her about her daughter? Along with her friends and their families. Or perhaps those in Fairy Tail.

The more I thought about what I had gained, also made me think. Whatever I ever think I have, it's always ripped from me. My dignity, reputation, happiness. The people I've lost, or soon to be lost, I've made a mental list. And all had started with the death of a single person. The very person that meant the most to me. Stolen. King Igneel, my father. Now my friends at Love and Lucky, Fairy Tail, Erza, Gray, Levy, Juvia, Mira, Gramps and everyone, and Lucy.

Just thinking of her. Lucy, my Lucy. I had finally come to terms with what I felt towards her. she wasn't just a friend. I know that now. I had never felt the same around another person. I remember her smile, her laugh, the way we had danced. I remember the first time I saw her. She asked me what I would like to eat, then next thing we both knew, we were singing. How beautiful her voice was. I realize now what it all ment. I'm in love with Lucy Heartfilia. Now I need to prove it.

"Prince Natsu! We are here to escort you to his Highness"





Sorry, It was kinda depressing. Also sorry for not updating sooner, really busy! So! I bid you all adieu!

-Your Nut, Meg

Word Count: 725

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