Chapter Seven

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Sorry Brownies! This is a bit over due! I hope you won't bit me adieu! so without further ado... (I need to stop) Let's DO this! 0_0 On to the chapter! (don't kill me plz)


The day was long, and I was exhausted after a long day of work. My blonde hair was up in a messy bun, and I had a dirt layer on my clothes. We were busier than normal, due to the Queen showing up. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to speak with Natsu all that much, I was really looking forward to getting to know him. I trudged upstairs, but before retiring, I decided to check on him. He seemed really tired and hurried upstairs to turn in late. I peeked inside, the door not making a sound. I silently thanked my mother for insisting we oil the doors. I had expected him to be passed out on his bed, but that was not what I saw. He was sitting on the floor with a candle lit besides him, which was strange, because my mother turned out every light and no one was allowed to have a lighter in her house except her. He had his cloak back on, and was rummaging through a bag, he seemed to be checking to make sure everything was there. The was studying a small paper, which looked yellowed, he stowed it away underneath the clock on his drawers. He beckoned to Happy, who jumped on the teen's shoulders. Then what she saw shocked her. He didn't sneak through the building, he simply jumped out the window. I rushed to see if he was okay, to see if his body lay broken on the cobble, but he was gone, without a trace.

Strange, what on earthland is he doing sneaking out at this hour? I thought to myself. I will defiantly have to see where he's going. I'll take Erza with me when I do though. It's too late now. I resolved to let Erza stay over the following day so as to see where he's going. I returned to my room, quietly thinking to myself. Why am I so interested in this stranger? I haven't known him for long, about two days in fact. He seems like a trustworthy person, so why do I have the feeling he is hiding something bigger than a personal secret? I will trust him for now, but if the late night adventures continue without mother's knowledge, I'll have to do something about it. I just hope that he can eventually come to trust us enough to tell us.


I readied myself quickly, I didn't want to be caught so early on about my newfound outings. I had put on my cloak once more, along with my bag at my hip and Happy around my shoulders. I was finally ready. I showed the paper to Happy, if I was caught, then I wouldn't want to give the rebel base away. I had Happy commit it to memory and I tried my best to keep it in my head as well. I actually found it much easier to focus and remember things now that a certain blue fur ball is out of my head. I stowed the paper under the clock and without hesitation, I leaped out the window. Of course, I didn't fall. I was very practiced, and skilled at this mode of transportation, jumping out windows and leaping across rooftops. I had gone through a number of lessons about thing I thought I would never need at the palace. Some of the things I found very useful; Things like, swimming, gymnastics, battle planning, light footing, stealth, hunting, fishing, basic doctor training, cooking, and manners from time to time though I didn't like them all that much. The things I had to learn that I wasn't so fond of consisted of: Music, dancing, other various studies, table manners, manners in general, and, though I hate to say I learned other things that liked but didn't find so useful, I had to learn a lot of subjects for school, and I swear I can now play almost any instrument. Lessons weren't all that bad, it just took up most of my day.

I had finally reached the destination I needed to go to. My mother was waiting outside the front door of the abandoned building, while I was hidden on the roof. She looked anxious, I looked at the clock tower in the center of town. I was about twenty minutes late. I decided not to let my poor mother wait any longer, and I jumped down from the roof, landing right in front of her. She jumped and let out a shout and Wendy squealed I pulled back my hood to reveal it was me. My mother let out a short breath.

The Runaway Prince (NaLu) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz