Chapter Three

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Happy and I were still crouching behind the crates, blending into the dark grey wall.

"You know, you should really do something about that crazy hair" Happy said, he had just awoken from the nap he was taking.

I threw back the hood.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I whispered annoyed, and pointed to my natural, unique hair color that was currently sticking out in all directions.

"What if you rubbed something on it? Like mud or something."

"No, mud won't work. I've tried before. It works for about half an hour, but then it dries all crusty and crumples off!" I glanced around and saw not too far away, a dead fire. I inspected it. It looked to have died just a little before Happy and I had arrived. "But ashes will work just fine!" I concluded.

I crawled over to the dead fire and reached in to grab the remaining ashes. I held the powder like substance in my hand, it was staining my fingers jet black. The fire still had embers alight and the ashes were too hot to touch for anyone else, but I hadn't felt any heat whatsoever. I rubbed the ashes in my hair, layering the color before with a thick black. A few feet away, amongst the rubble, was a shard of broken mirror glass. I made for it and snatched it up. Holding it in front of me, I ran my fingers through my now sable hair, checking for any overlooked splotches of natural hair color. Satisfaction showed in my onyx stone eyes. I smiled, my abnormally sized k-nines glinting in the low light of the alley. I was almost unrecognizable with black hair!

"Aye! That works great!" Happy commented. Then we heard a shout.

"Hey you! You're not permitted to be down there! SO SCRAM!" I was slightly startled at the sudden bellow. But I was startled enough to where I dropped the glass. As it fell, the jagged edge scraped my bicep and I hissed in pain. I quickly and quietly pulled my hood back over my head and stashed Happy under my arm. I scrambled out of the alleyway nocking the rude man on the shoulder on the way out. Once I was in a semi-sheltered area again, I grabbed the sleeve of my simple white longsleeve shirt and ripped it, exposeing my family crest tatooed on my arm. I wrapped my shirt around the cut, making a mental note to get some real first aid for it sooner rather than later. I walked the streets until darkness fell. Needing a place to go, I spotted a lively place labled Love and Lucky.

Satisfied, I ambled in. I opened the door to a small room filled with golden light and laughter. I smiled to my self and thought, seems like my kind of place. Happy was curled around my neck and out of sight, I had a feeling this place didn't allow animals. I could be wrong, but I wasn't taking any chances. I took a seat at a table in the back corner of the room, as out of sight as possible.


There was alot of clamor and merry making. I was laying low, no one had even noticed the cloaked figure in the corner of the room. Everyone laughing and hollering for more ale. My enhanced hearing picked up drunken coversations about our 'Good for nothing' Prince. It enraged me inside, the only thing keeping me cool was the rythmic purring of Happy in my ear. I knew he was trying to settle me. But they wouldn't know that so called 'good for nothing' Prince's backstory or reasoning would they? No, the 'King' made sure of that. They knew absolutly nothing about him. They knew absolutly nothing about me.

A waitress had finally taken notice of my presence, and was skipping up to me joyfully. She looked about my age, sixteen I'd guess. I had turned sixteen only three months ago. She looked nice. The girl was wearing a green dress with brown laces, and had a tattered apron around her front. She was about five inches shorter than I was. She had long, golden hair, put up in a side ponytail. I wasn't looking directly at the pretty waitress while examining her appearence. From where she was standing, it might of looked like I was staring at the table, lost in thought.

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