Chapter Five

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I have nothing else to do today and I'm bored so I'm gonna write this next chapter. I already know what I'm gonna do for it anyway. So I will continue to sit here munching on S'more trail mix (bunny grams, mini marshmallows and chocolate chips in a bag) and write a story that I enjoy but almost nobody reads. Enjoy! 😊


I awoke the following morning with Happy snuggled against me, trying to keep warm. I looked about my surroundings and panicked for a moment. Why wasn't I in my room at the castle? I wondered frantically. Then the past couple of days caught up to me. I'm a fugitive, running from a man who claims to be my loving stepfather, if only they could see how you really look at me. With horror. I looked around the small guest room I was going to be living in. I decided to liven the place up a bit and make it more.. me. The room had a floral wallpaper plastered to the wooden walls. The floors were hardwood, nice, for common folk. In the center of the room, was the rickety bed I'd slept on. Then on the wall was a small chest of drawers, next to it, a small clock that read five o'clock. It was early in the morning, but I was used to it. I remember I would always wake up early to watch the sun rise over the north peak with my real father, before he was assassinated. I still had my cloak on. After coming up the stairs, I had collapsed onto the bed without thinking. I stood up, and looked under my cloak to a little bag around my waist. I had bolted out of the castle, but I had a bag ready when I did. I looked around the room and decided it was time to move some things around. I moved the bed to the side, up against the wall, to a sleeping Happy's protest. I Moved the chest of drawers to the wall across from the bed. The small clock, I placed on top of the drawers. My eye had caught something on the wall right where the door opens. I turned to see a full length mirror mounted on the wall. It was a nice mirror, with a pretty dark brown, floral like border. I smiled to myself and looked in it. The last time I looked in a mirror was when I was eleven years old. I moved the mirror to a different wall and continued to stare into it, seemingly mesmerized by my reflection. I felt a stab of pain in my heart as I looked at it. So joyous, and optimistic, and harmless. The boy in the mirror looked like me, sounded like me, but it wasn't. That was what I appeared to be, what I was supposed to be, before he came. I rummaged around in the sack at my waist, and finding what I was looking for, I sat on the floor in front of the mirror. I had pulled out a white scale-like scarf, I clutched it close to my chest and I felt tears threatening to come.


Two people sitting on the very edge of a balcony, seemingly not a care in the world. One was an older man, in his mid twenties with lighter shade of red, the other, the man's son, six years old with a cherry blossom pink head. The man held something unknowing to the child behind his back. A gift. They were staring at the horizon like they did every morning when he surprised the child.

"Natsu," The man said in a deep voice, "You know, one day, you will have to make decisions for this country. You will be king someday, and I may not always be... around."

"What are you talking about dad? Where are you going?" The little boy spoke with worry of losing his father.

"No where, I'm not going anywhere, not for a long time. I'm just saying, when I'm not around, you may have to make important decisions on your own, for the good of the kingdom. Sometimes you will have to make hard choices, not for just kingdom, but for yourself too son." The man explained.

"Why?" the boy asked. "Won't you always be around dad?"

"I won't be all the time. Like, sometimes I will have to go visit other kingdoms, and you won't be able to come with me."

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