Chapter 22 - Stomach Pain

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That meeting ended well, I stayed silent most of the time only speaking when spoken to.  

Now it is a week later...          

I am exhausted today, not being able to sleep much.  I had been feeling nauseous recently, as well.  The smell of anything but Leocade and Kip is making me sick.  Right now I am laying down as my stomach is twisting and turning, with a harsh pain lower down. There is a knock at the door as I open my tired eyes a bit.  "Come in."  I say rolling onto my back trying to get comfortable. The door opens as my stomach burns feeling like it is being heated from the inside out, causing me to grab it in pain and shutting my eyes.  "Is your stomach, STILL... Bugging you?"   I hear someone ask.  I nod opening my eyes slightly. I see Leocade and I feel a bit better as his scent makes me feel better.  He comes over to me and sits beside me, before reaching a hand towards me. He is stroking the side of my face gently as he smiles at me. "May I have a look at your stomach?"  Leocade asks me worriedly. I haven't changed since I woke up ill.  I nod closing my eyes again trying to relax.   He lifts up my night shirt and there is pure silence before I hear joyful laughing.   It is a quiet laughter, but I open my eyes to see Leocade with tears in his eyes.  "Is... Something wrong?"  I ask worriedly. "No... But you are... Pregnant."  Leocade says kissing my now visible stomach.  I feel scared but excited.  Tears are in my eyes, and I smile at Leocade as he leans over me.  Leocade kisses me on the cheek, gently.  I try to sit up.  "No, no. Just stay laying down, we need to get some food in you before you start to move."  Leocade says holding me down as gently as possible.  I nod smiling, seeing how worried and cautious he has become.   He then quickly heads off.  I smile as he leaves the door open.  I am rubbing my stomach feeling better. Rubbing my magic stomach soothing the pain.  There is a knock at the door, startling me.  I look over to see Jean.  "Hello, Jean."  I say smiling.  "Lord Encre, have you been feeling any better?"   He asks.  "I am feeling better, now that I know what the cause of it is."  I say smiling.  "May... I know what the cause of it is?"  Jean asks.  I wave him over.   He walks over to me and his eyes widen.  "L-Lord Encre... You are... Female?"  Jean says blushing.  "I am both genders.  I can switch from back and forth easily."  I say smiling.   He nods as I close my eyes smiling.  I open my eyes seeing Jean looking around nervously.  "Jean..."  I start, seeing him look over at me.  "You do not have to stay in the room unless you so wish to."  I say smiling gently.  

Seven months later...

Extreme stomach pain is all I am feeling right now.  I am alone in my room and I have not heard many people come by.  Leocade is with Kip in the village and has been for three hours.  Then my water breaks.  I have no idea what to do so I am panicking, sobbing hard.  Suddenly my door bursts open. "LORD ENCRE!"  Jean yells rushing over to me.  "I do not know what to do."  I panic. "Just breathe, just breathe."  Jean says before running over to the door.   "I need the midwife now!  His water just broke!"  Jean shouts.  

Third Person's P.O.V...

Butlers and Maids are running around everywhere as Leocade and Kip enter the castle.  "What is going on?"  Leocade asks.  "Lord Encre's waterbroke, he is giving birth!"  A maid says in panic. Kip had already taken off towards Encre's and Leocade's room.   Leocade runs also.  "AH!!!!" Encre screams as he is giving birth.  The midwife helping Encre along.  "Lord Encre you need to breathe."  Jean says feeling his hand being squashed.  "I AM BREATHING!!!!"  Encre shouts loudly.   Kip makes it to the room, first.  He gets over to Encre grabbing his free hand.  "You need to push... Now."  The midwife says.   Encre screams in pain.  Leocade comes in and Jean gladly switches places with him.  "Breathe deeply, the baby needs oxygen."  The midwife says.  "I cannot do this!!!"  Encre screams.  "Yes, you can Encre, you can do this.  I believe in you." Leocade says.   "Push!"  The midwife says.  Encre pushes as hard as he can, wanting the baby out of him.   Encre screams in agony as he pushes the baby out a little further.  "Encre... You can do this, so stop being a baby."  Kip says happily.  "Leocade..."  Encre starts to say as he pushes. "Yes?"  Leocade says.  "I AM NEVER HAVING SEX WITH YOU AGAIN!!!"  Encre yells pushing.   Everyone else in the room is laughing, but Leocade.  Kip looks horrified.

Hours later...

Encre's P.O.V...

I push again and I feel incredible relief.  I then hear crying, and it is not my own for once.  I am breathing heavily.  "You did an amazing job, Lord Encre."  The midwife says.  I just fall into the pillow.  "I lived through that... I think I can survive anything..."  I mutter.  Kip and Leocade are holding their hands.  "You broke my hand..."  Kip cries.  I pull him over to me.  "Sh~ Think of it this way, at least you do not have to go through what I went through."   I say hugging him.  "You are still not quite done..."  the midwife says nervously.  "You have to be kidding me."  I say sweat dropping. "You can do it, Encre."  Kip says running away from me.  "I do not want to do it again." I whine.  "Come on Lord Encre, the sooner you do it you can relax." The midwife laughs. "Leocade... I hate you."  I say glaring at him.  He pouts.  

The next day...

Leocade and I are holding the baby between us.  We still have not come up with a name for the child.  I am not allowed to leave the bed due to me having to heal my magic.  Which naturally takes much longer than the body.  I open my eyes feeling the baby shift slightly.  Leocade is still asleep.  The door opens slowly.  "Encre..."  Kip says.  "Yes?"  I answer.  "Can I sleep with all of you?"  Kip asks.  "Sure."  I say while smiling softly.  He closes the door and comes over.  I make some room for him.  I wrap an arm around him protectively.  "Sleep well, Kip."  I say smiling.  He nods falling asleep.  

Hours go by and I stand with the baby.  I start to walk around with him holding him in my arms protectively.  I had changed into my old everyday clothes as I walk the halls of the castle with the baby in my arms.  'Leocade should wake up shortly.'  I think. "ENCRE!!!!"  I hear him shout as soon as I am finished my thought.  I sweat drop hard and a few maids laugh.  I see smoke and Leocade running towards us.  I laugh nervously before taking off running.  I see the nursery woman and pass her the baby before running off again.  Leocade continues to chase me throughout the castle.  I jump through an open window changing into a bat.  I fly fast as Leocade is chasing me. I go faster before going near the ground.  I transform near the ground.  I look like I was never pregnant at all and I am definitely not acting like it.  "ENCRE YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME!!!" Leocade yells.  I run into town a few of the rouges are confused as he is chasing me.  "You cannot catch me!!!"  I shout before laughing.  I run up a wall and flip over him.  He manages to stop in time, not hitting the wall.  He turns around to see me landing.  I shake my hips before sticking my tongue out at him.  "Oh... This is on, Encre."  He says playfully.  "Just try to catch me."  I say before running again.  Woman are laughing and children are cheering, while men are smirking and laughing.  Leocade almost catches me but I had dropped down and he ran over me.  I roll and get up.  I turn into a bat and hide in a group of children, as they all giggle.  Leocade runs past us.  I wait before transforming in front of them.  I laugh.  "Lord Encre, are you both playing tag?"  A girl asks.  "I guess we are."  I laugh.  "ENCRE!!! I WILL FIND YOU!!!"  He shouts.  "Encre?"  I hear suddenly.  I see Lord Dream there.  "Lord Dream?  What are you doing here?"  I ask.  "I thought you would still be back at Fallacy's castle."  He says.  I smirk knowing it is a trick.  "Nah~ Flowers need fresh air."  I say part of a line only Dream would know.  "Flowers?"  He says.  I smirk and punch him square in the face.  There is someone completely different there as smoke dissipates.   They fall backwards and roll.   "Lord Encre?"  I hear.  I see a few woman staring appalled.  "How did you see through it?" The rouge asks.  "Me and Lord Dream wrote a poem together about freedom, that was a line from it.  'Flowers need fresh air.' "  I say smirking.  "You are lucky I am in a good mood today."  I smirk.  "There you are!!!"  I hear.  "Got to fly!"  I say transforming, just getting out of Leocade's grasp.  I am flying above him.  He is glaring at me.  I kiss him on the forehead.  "Encre, I just woke up and you just gave birth yesterday... How are you even able to be this energetic?"  Leocade asks.  I shrug before flying off back towards the castle and Leocade chases me.  I make it to the castle grounds and he grabs me.  I kiss him passionately to shut him up.  I have a hand on his cheek, the other on his chest while he has his arms around my waist.   I pull back placing my forehead against his.  "I love you, Leocade."  I say smiling.  "I thought you said you hated me."  He says smirking.  "You push out a baby and we will talk."  I say smirking.  I hear a violin playing suddenly and look around.  Leocade looks around too, but the sound soon disappears.

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