Chapter 3 - Blood

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I wake up being in pain.  I open my eyes slightly hearing someone move.  "K... Kip?"  I mutter starting to sit up.  "Hello, Lord Encre.  I am glad to see you are awake."  I hear.  'Wait... What?'  I think.  I don't feel good suddenly.  "Lord Encre, are you feeling alright?"  I hear.  I look up to see a maid.  I look around to see a huge room.  I feel myself starting to panic.  "Lord Encre... Please calm down."  The maid says.  "Where am I?"  I ask.  "You are in Lord Fallacy's castle, Lord Encre."  The maid says.  I am panicking even worse now.  The maid is panicking too.  "Lord Encre, please calm down.  Lord Fallacy will explain everything once he's awake."   The maid says her voice is panicked as she rushes over to me.   "Don't call me that."  I say softly.  "What?"  The maid says.  "Don't use Lord... Just Encre..."  I say trying to calm down.  Suddenly the door opens and the maid is gone.  I break down into tears not being able to breathe.  I'm gasping for air, but the air is still not there.  I hear running.   I see Kip in front of me, but it fades into being Lord Fallacy.  "Encre!!! Please calm down.  You are alright."  He says.  He's reaching to touch me but I move away.  The pain starts to get worse as I grab my neck.  Lord Fallacy grabs my hand and forces me down onto the bed.  Suddenly I can breathe again being slammed down.  Tears are still rolling down my cheeks, because of the pain.  "Encre, you need to calm down."  Lord Fallacy says.  "It hurts..."  I cry out wanting to just hold my neck.  I then feel something cold on my neck.  "Thank you Suave."  Lord Fallacy says.  "Just breathe."  Lord Fallacy says.  I image Kip being in front of me hugging telling me I'm going to be alright. Then Paint is there laughing and smiling.  'Don't be such a baby, Encre!'  He says.   I take a deep breath, then another.   "There you go."  Lord Fallacy says.  My face goes blank and I just look away.  I just feel empty suddenly.  The maids and butlers all leave the room the door shutting behind them.  Lord Fallacy lifts me up.  I sit up but my gaze is blank.  My eyes are just white dots.  "Encre?"  Lord Fallacy says sitting in front of me.  A tear leaks from my eye my gaze not shifting from the crack under the door.  "Encre, look at me."  He says forcing me to look at him.  Nothing changes on my face, but my soul hurts.  It hurts so bad, along with my neck.  He is looking at me confused.   "Why are you so blank?"  He asks.  'I'm scared... I'm so scared.'  I think as more tears leak from my eyes.  'Why am I here?  Why am I being called a Lord?  Why do I hurt so much?  Why...'  I think as a million questions go through my head.  Lord Fallacy's eyes are wide as more tears leak from my eyes.  I watch one fall and it has no colour to it.   "Do... You want something to eat?"  Lord Fallacy asks.    I shake my head no, not feeling hungry.    Lord Fallacy stands and takes his leave.   The door opens and closes. I sit at the edge of the bed watching the colourless tears slowly fall to the floor.

Time skip, a few days later...

I barely move.  I am either sleeping, lying down or just sitting.   I don't do anything really, it's a rare moment when you see me in the middle of an action.  Right now I feel a thirst, but I don't know what I want to drink.  I stand my legs shaky as I walk over to the large window in my room.   I see a carriage entering the gates.   There's a soft knock at my door and then it opens.  There's a gasp but then a sigh.  "Encre, are you alright?"  I hear.  "I am the same as I was earlier."  I say looking out the window still.  I then move towards a bookshelf and look at the books.  I hear the door close and someone comes up beside me.  "Encre, Lord Fallacy and some guests have arrived, would you like to see them."  Suave asks.  I shake my head no, returning to my bed to sit down.   "I will let Lord Fallacy know, you are still not well."  He says.  I nod not really caring.  He takes his leave.   I lay down to hear the main doors open.  There's laughter and then there is loud knocking on my door minutes later.  Soon it swings open.  "I have arrived!!!"  I hear.  "Lord Fallacy... I told you to stop doing that."  I say as more tears start to leak from my eyes.  I don't sit up and I don't move.  "Encre?  It's me... Kip..."  I hear.  "Lord Fallacy stop it."  I say starting to shake slightly.  I start to sob silently.  "Sir, Kip... Watch out for the water."   I hear Suave's voice say.   I see Kip but I don't move.  "Stop it..."  I mutter before turning into a bat and flying towards the ceiling.  I hang upside down there as more tears start to fall.  "Encre... Do you not... Remember me."  I hear.  I streak loudly.   Lord Fallacy comes in seeing me as a bat.  "He... Does not remember me."  I hear.   I fly towards the window just to look outside of it before flying over to a bookshelf.  I turn back to normal.  The night clothes I woke up in dirty and damp in areas still covering me, my one shoulder is exposed showing the bite mark that is still healing over.  Kip comes over to me.  "Remember when you cut your forehead falling up the stairs while mother and father, were not at home?"   Kip says.  I pick out a book slowly.  My one eye has a spot of blue in it.  "I was clumsy, a lot was I?"  I say looking down at him.   "All the time, except when you drew or painted."  Kip says.  I set the book on his head and he giggles.  I used to set random things on his head all the time.  I remove the book and hug him slowly.  "Do nott worry... You will be okay, Encre."  Kip says hugging me back.  I slowly go down to the ground holding him close.  My eyes look normal again. "You must be dying of thirst... Want some?"  Kip asks holding up a bottle to me.  He opens it and my mouth begin to drool but I just look away.  It is blood, the contents of the bottle is blood.   Kip shoves it in my face.  "Drink it..." he says.  I shake my head no.  He gets an irk mark. He is setting the bottle down slowly before tackling me.  He then starts to tickle me.  I tickle him back and we both end up laughing.  Suddenly I bite down on something. I open my mouth, but the bag was already empty.  My teeth are bloody and I feel a lot better, but I also feel horrible.  "I did it!"  Kip says happily, but then looks at me, to see my colourful tears.  I'm craving more but I feel disgusted in myself.  Kip hugs me.  "It shall get better." He says.  "I had that look in my eyes too."  I hear someone say loudly.  "Have some more."  Kip says passing me some more.  I take it and my tears stop.  I had accidentally bit my hand there is a small amount of blood there.  Kip licks my hand and it is healed.  I hug him feeling tired.  "Thank you, Kip."  I say hugging him tighter.   He hugs me back and I feel him lick my neck.   "Thank you..."  I say feeling all the pain go away.  My eyes look lively again.  "It was the pain..."  I hear someone say.  I pass out hugging Kip.  

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum