Chapter 19 - 'Kip... Why are you here?'

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I wake up in agonizing pain.  I whimper feeling like my back is on fire.  "My sweet, do not try to move... We are still trying to heal your back."  I hear a distant voice say.  I open my eyes to see Leocade beside me.   He kisses my forehead gently as I wince slightly.  I cannot remember much from before I woke up.   There is a patch over my right eye so my only way to see is through my left eye.  "I love you, Encre."  Leocade says leaning in towards me.  I smile gently feeling myself slowly start to black out again.

Several Months later....

I have been living with Leocade, in his castle for a long while now.  He has a castle not that far from Lord Night's Castle. The area is almost completely abandoned if it was not for the village of rogues just outside of the castle's walls.   My spine had been fractured horribly by Lord Fallacy, so my stamina is no longer very high, my walking and moving around is now limited due to this. Right now there is a band playing a few rooms away while I paint and do art.  I love just listening to them everyday.  The violin that plays is always soothing.  Suddenly there is a soft knock at the wooden door of the room.  "Please, come in!"  I say happily as I have been in a good mood recently.   The door opens and there is a butler there.  The butler's attire is slightly different from Lord Fallacy's butlers.  It is less frilly and more simple, and the colours are grey and black. For maids it is a simple navy blue sundress with black maid aprons.  "Encre, Lord Leocade is going to be out getting a few things, do you want anything?"  The butler asks.  "No thank you, I am fine."   I say smiling towards the tired looking butler.  A soft smile appears on his face as he nods leaving, a gentle glow on his cheeks and a twinkle in his dark eyes.  The door does not close as someone else walks in.  I see Leocade come in with a sour look on his face.  "Is something wrong?"  I ask setting down my paint brush.  He looks up at me smiling.  "Of course not, my sweet."  He says coming over to me.  I walk a few steps over to him and hug him.  "I love you, Encre."   He says lifting my chin up slightly.  "I love you too."  I say before kissing him myself, before he can kiss me.  He kisses me back, with enough pressure making it a passionate kiss.   He pulls back and smiles down at me.  "Nothing can ever be wrong, as long as I have you."   Leocade says before kissing me on top of my head.   I smile gently before placing my head on his chest.

Time skip, A Few Hours Later...

"Encre?"  I hear.  I turn to see Leocade half way down the dimly lit hall from me.  I smile at him warmly.  "I am planning on going out, would you like to come?"  He asks me.  I nod gently.  He smiles coming up to me, so he stands beside me.  I slowly turn to walk with him and he takes my hand gently into his.  I hold his hand back and smile gently. 

We are both in a carriage going somewhere and every time I ask where we are going, trying to catch him off guard, he keeps telling me it is a surprise.  The carriage soon stops and he exits the carriage quickly.  My door opens seconds later as I am reaching a hand out to open the door.   Leocade takes my hand before kissing it gently.  He is dressed extremely well, I am... Not so much, due to me just being in my painting attire.  

He wraps an arm around my waist pulling me from the carriage gently and his arms wrap around me before he starts to spins me around.  I am holding onto him, my arms around his neck as he spins me around.   My shoe covered feet touch the cobblestone lining the streets below them.  Leocade wattles with me before picking me up bridal style.  I squeak as he swoops me off my feet and he laughs at that.  He then sets me down.  He grabs my hand gently and I hold his hand back.  "It is... Lord Leocade and... Lord Encre..."  I hear from not that far away.  Leocade spins me around suddenly and I fall into him after spinning around.  I am blushing slightly.  He laughs helping me up.  I lean into him as we walk together.  "Lord Encre looks far too innocent, how is he here?"  I hear.  I feel like disappearing.  Suddenly I hear laughter and am pulled away from Leocade.  I see multiple rouges.  Leocade looks worried as I land on the ground.  My back hurts at that. "Encre..."  he says gritting his teeth slightly.  

I know the rules.  In rouge society, if someone is to grab another's mate including the ruler's, the stolen mate must fight back or just allow the switch.  It also means I might be fighting up to ten people and the one mate cannot fight back to save his or her mate.   I stand and get ready to fight.  I see multiple people in front of me, eleven of them. "That is cheating, having eleven."  I say smirking.  "We do not care about the rules."  A few say.  "No matter, I will either kill you or make you suffer, for doing that."  I say smirking.  One comes up behind me.  I move to the side a step and grab their back to throw them.  I take down five in one swoop.  I smirk.  One of the five dies being impaled by a wooden cart.  My LV points appear in front of me.  'LV level 67'  It reads in front of me.  I stretch slightly to put my back into place.  My back is sensitive so any hits to it might cause me to lose.  I groan boredly as I attack the group.  I take them all out.  Only four of them are dead... sadly.   My LV is at 72 now.  Leocade comes over to me as I crack my back.  He winces at the sound.  

Time skip...

We had picked up quite a few things.  He is in the store while a butler has brought our stuff to a carriage. I am standing off to the side of the carriage waiting for Leocade.  I am in a daze looking up at the rising sun. "Encre?"  I hear suddenly.  I look down to see Kip.  "Kip?"  I ask.  He is blushing.  "Why are you here?"  I ask.  "I... I do not want to live under a King like that."  Kip says.  I kneel down to him.  I hug him.  "How long have you been gone?"  I ask.  "A few days."  He says blushing as his stomach growls.  "I do not approve of you being here... I do not think your parents would either."  I say softly.  Kip starts to sob quietly.  I pull back and he is sobbing.  "He... He..."  he is trying to speak.  "He killed my parents!... And if it was not for... My mother... I... I would be... Dust... too!" He sobs loudly.  "When I can get my hands on him... He is going to regret... Everything."  I say angrily.  I am hugging Kip tightly.  "Encre... I am so alone."  Kip cries.  "It is alright, Kip."  I say picking him up.  A butler is watching me carefully.  "Lord Encre, you know this child?"  One asks.  "I have known him ever since I was a Mortal."  I say smiling gently. "Lord Encre..."  I hear.  I did not realize I was crying.  The butler comes over to me worriedly.  I smile gently while another tear slips down my cheek.  Kip had fallen asleep in my arms.  "Who is that?"  A butler asks.   "He is a vampire that I saved from a trap, back when I was a mortal.  I was afraid of Vampires back then, it took me being with him and his family to realize there were two sides to the story.  He showed me that both sides need each other to survive, and that they can still get along while doing that."  I say smiling.  I wipe away Kip's tears.  I see Leocade coming towards us.  "Encre?"  He says confused.  I am shaking slightly. He passes a few things to a butler before coming over to me and Kip.  "I have had it, with Fallacy..."  I say angrily.  "Is that not the child in that photo you have?"  Leocade asks.  "It is... His name is Kip..."  I say feeling tears slipping down my cheeks.  "Let us take him home."  Leocade says taking him from my arms.  A butler walks me over to the carriage and helps me inside.  Leocade comes in beside me.  He is holding Kip in his arms.

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now