Chapter 16 - Father vs Son

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They have me sitting in the middle of Lord Fallacy's bed, naked. They are both watching each other, while they are naked beside the bed and all I can feel is straight tension from them both till suddenly Leocade's tension disappears. I feel a lot better and relax. Leocade smiles and comes over to me. "My sweet... I will do all I can to make you feel the most pleasure." Leocade says tilting my chin to the side. He kisses my jaw gently moving down my neck. Then Lord Fallacy pulls me towards him. "Encre, my love... I WILL make you feel the most pleasure." Lord Fallacy says. 'Smooth... Real... Smooth.' I think sarcastically. "Son... You are doing it wrong~." Leocade says starting to gently pull me towards him, using my shoulders instead of my one free hand. He runs a hand along my spine, once I am in a comfortable position. Lord Fallacy crawls over to me still holding my one hand. He kisses my wrist and arm as he starts to place a hand where I am holding a pillow over my pelvis area. Leocade had let me keep my free hand there, knowing how uncomfortable I get. I am watching Lord Fallacy slowly removing the pillow and I close my legs embarrassed, but I cannot just turn into a bat and hide. Leocade kisses my forehead then down the bridge of my nose before kissing my eyelids. "My sweet, no need to be so embarrassed. You will only feel pleasure from me." Leocade says looking me in the eyes. I then feel a hand on my member and it is massaging the tip. My mouth falls open slightly as I whimper at how good it feels. I then feel my whole member being stroked. "Ah~..." I moan then clamp down my jaw because I am embarrassed. "Do not hide your voice, it is beautiful, just like you." Leocade says. I blush at that. I lean into him more as I gasp at the feeling. "Fallacy... Are you giving up already?" Leocade says smirking. 'He was not doing anything?' I think feeling my cheeks heat up even more as I moan loudly. "There is that beautiful voice, I love so much." Leocade says. Lord Fallacy comes over to me and he disappears as Leocade makes me look up at him. "May I?" He asks. I nod slowly but then I gasp feeling my member wrapped in something hot and wet. Leocade kisses me on the lips. I am moaning into the kiss continuously. Leocade is smirking into the kiss. Lord Fallacy is sucking me hard. I cannot even think at this point. Leocade leans back slightly. "Hmmm~... Ah~... Ah~... Oh... mmmmh~" I moan feeling myself getting so close again. Leocade is touching all of my spots bringing me closer and closer. Lord Fallacy hums something and I almost loose it. "Ah~... Do not hum... mmm~ like that." I say feeling myself getting closer to the edge. He does it again and I gasp and moan. "I... I am... Ah~... going to... mmmmh~" I moan feeling myself so close to the edge. Leocade bites into my shoulder sending me over the edge completely. My back arches and I cry out in pure pleasure. I am panting and feel myself growing tired. I see Lord Fallacy licking his lips as he leans up to me. He kisses me, an open mouth kiss. I can taste myself as our tongues wrestle for dominance. Leocade moving me suddenly. "Can you do what we did a few meetings ago?" Leocade asks. I blush hard feeling Lord Fallacy pulling back. I do as told using my magic to make a vagina, my member disappears. "Good job, you did it quickly too." Leocade says before kissing me. "So cute." Lord Fallacy says pulling gently on my face before kissing me. "You are flawless..." Leocade says. I then feel something enter me. I moan. I feel sore from earlier. I am now just so sensitive. I break the kiss accidently. They both move suddenly. Leocade is in front of me and Lord Fallacy is behind me. "I... I am sensitive, be gentle." I beg. "I will." Lord Fallacy says. "Anything you request, I shall grant, my sweet." Leocade says before kissing me on the cheek. I expect them to go into two different holes, but nope they go straight for the main entrance. "NO!!! I am going to tear!!!" I say scared. Leocade slips into me and that hurts. "Just relax... It will hurt at first, but then it will feel amazing." Leocade says. It already hurts with having Leocade's huge member inside of me, I do not think I can handle two in me. I feel Lord Fallacy slowly slipping into me. It hurts so much. "You can do it." Leocade says placing a hand on my cheek. I am tearing up at the pain. "It is too much... It hurts... It hurts so bad." I cry. Lord Fallacy stops moving. Leocade kisses me gently and says "I know it hurts... But after we start to move slightly, that will change." I nod and say "Let me adjust first... Please." "Of course, my sweet." Leocade says.

After a long while I nod and they both move. It hurts at first, but then its pure pleasure afterwards. I am almost screaming as they continue to pound in and out of me. I have no ability to think, or focus. Before I know it I am being filled. Lord Fallacy pulls out exhausted. Leocade keeps going, going to have me finish. I am moaning and panting while he pounds in and out. I love the feeling. "... Let me... Cum... Please let me cum~" I beg feeling him slowing down again. I then feel Lord Fallacy enter me from behind. They both keep going, till I feel full again. I am so close it is right there. Leocade continues until I cum. I moan his and Lord Fallacy's name. My tongue is hanging from my mouth, but slowly goes back in when I hug Leocade tightly. My grip weakens around him and I fall asleep.

Time skip...

I wake up being extremely warm. My pelvis hurts a lot. My hands are being held by Leocade and Lord Fallacy. They are on either side of me, holding me gently. I sorta like being fought over. "My sweet you are awake." Leocade says opening an eye. I blush noding. "I am glad to hear that." I hear Lord Fallacy say. I feel so embarrassed again. 'AAAHHHH~ I FELL ASLEEP DURING SEX!!!!' I think as my face is covered with a blush. 'I want to curl up and die.' I think trying to hide. They both laugh.

We are sitting at the table. I am drinking tea while being stared at. I feel so uncomfortable as I finish my tea. "You two, are making him unforgivablely uncomfortable." I hear Leocade say. Leocade is giving me my space, unlike Lord Fallacy who is across from me and it does not help with Lord Night just staring. "Lord Encre, Papyrus is here for your training session." I hear Suave say. I nod standing. I nod towards them. "Normal drill?" Suave says. "It is up to them today, just make sure they do not interfere." I state before walking out of the room as fast as possible. I go into the main hallway and see Papyrus there. I go up to him and just hug him. "Kill me now." I state. "Lord Encre?" Papyrus says. "Is there another fight over you again?" He asks laughing. I nod. "Do you want to skip today?" He asks. "No..." I sigh. He brings me outside. We get ready to fight. I get very loose while getting into a fighting position. Papyrus pulls out a silver stake. I sweat drop forgetting that we were practicing with those today. I see them all watching. I take a deep breath and while I am not ready Papyrus attacks me. I dodge before dropping down and kicking him. He stumbles back. Lord Fallacy looks worried and keeps flinching. I am so focused on him and the other two I forget I am training. Papyrus attacks me out of nowhere. I turn into a bat to get behind him. I transform mid-air and kick him down. He turns around swinging the silver stake. He catches me as I fall backwards not being ready for that. "And dead." Papyrus says. I groan and we both stand up. Lord Fallacy is on edge. I remember the last time he watched. He got knocked out. "Lord Encre, is there something bothering you?" Papyrus asks then looks where I cannot keep my eyes off of. "If you wish we can stop and continue this later." Papyrus says. "I need the practice." I mutter. Papyrus then smirks and his magic appears. A huge wall separates us. "That works." I mutter. "Now..." I say before we start to fight again.

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now