Chapter 12 - Hurt

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I am falling, trying to grab at the air.   I land in something soft, suddenly. I open my eyes to see snow and trees. I sit up in the snow my shoulder hurts. "Darn it... What happened?" I mutter before standing. I walk till I see a path. I go onto it. There is literally no one around. "Anyone around?" I ask quietly. I feel scared and I look it too. "SANS!!! YOU LAZYBONES!!! WHERE ARE YOU???" I hear a familiar voice yell. I go further onto the path. I look down the path to my right. "Where... Am I?" I mutter. "Human... Don't you know how to greet a new friend? *pause* Turn around and shake my hand." I hear. I turn around to see a short person. They look confused. "Wait... what?" He says. "Oh... You are Underfell Papyrus' brother am I correct?" I ask still holding my shoulder. "Lord Encre... What are you doing here? Is Lord Fallacy accompanying you?" I hear Underfell Papyrus ask. I turn and jump into his arms. "I'll take that as a no." He sighs. "Lord?" I hear his brother ask. "Oh Sans, meet Lord Encre, he is the King of Vampires Partner, the interesting one I was talking about." Papyrus says. "What?" Sans as Papyrus calls him says. I am holding my shoulder. I wince slightly. "How did you get here?" Sans asks. "I... Fell..." I laugh nervously. "Let me escort you to where we live... Sans do your job." Papyrus says taking my hand. I nod. "What the fuck?" Sans says. "What does that mean?" I ask extremely confused. "It is a modern curse word, you will hear it a lot around this AU." Papyrus says. "Boss... Seriously... Why are you talking like that?" Sans asks. "So he can understand me. His AU comes before modern curse words and abbreviations." Papyrus explains. "Curse words? They don't have those?" Sans mutters. "Not ones you and me are used to, now go away." Papyrus says.

Time skip...

A few hours later...

He is walking around with me and everyone is staring at me. "Papyrus... So there is a lot of violence in this AU as you and Lord Fallacy call them, correct?" I ask. "Yes, Lord Encre... Is the war still going on in your AU?" Papyrus asks. "No, no... It finished a few months ago. The rouge vampires made them all fall back. I was asleep most of the war, though I did fight in multiple of the first few battles." I answer calmly. "It explains why your LV bar is so high, even higher than mine." Papyrus laughs. "L... V bar?" I ask curiously. "It is a bar that shows your Level of Violence." Papyrus says. I nod. Suddenly my soul pops out in front of me. So has Papyrus'. He seems calm about it. "Lord Encre, there is no need to worry. I shall protect you." Papyrus states. "I might have dislocated my shoulder, but I could always rip out a few throats." I state smirking. There are a few monsters in front of us. "Papyrus... Who's the old person?" A monster asks before laughing. "Lord Encre, please be cautious they are not like the ones you face." Papyrus says. I nod. I turn into a bat before transforming behind them. I kick them all down. Papyrus does not look surprised. "Lord Fallacy always said you could take care of yourself." Papyrus says. Suddenly something scrapes against my cheek and it burns. My cheek is smoking. 'Silver.' I think. Papyrus looks extremely worried. I see a few Vampire hunters. "How did you get here?" I ask. They all shrug. I smirk as I turn towards them. I pop my shoulder back into place. They all get ready. "Who are those people?" I hear. "Lord Encre, please be careful." Papyrus sighs. I let my fangs show proudly before attacking them.

The FIGHT is over in seconds. I lick my teeth before checking my clothes. Not a spot of blood on them. Suddenly a bar appears in front of me. 'LV 64' It shows before going up. Papyrus looks shocked. I am blushing slightly. "Is this a bad thing?" I ask. "How the fuck?" I hear. "That's higher than the King." I hear. "Lord Encre, you gained this during the war correct?" Papyrus says coming over to me. "Correct." I say smiling gently. Papyrus is blushing. "Are you alright, Underfell Papyrus?" I ask worriedly. "How... Can you... Be so cute?" I hear someone ask. I am approached by a person in armour. I feel the burn and jump back. "Do NOT touch him... Your armour has silver in it." Papyrus says coming to stand in front of me. I hide behind him and look out from behind him. Papyrus is much taller than I am. "Lord Encre?" He asks me. "Yes?" I say. "Why are you holding onto me?" He asks. "You are warm." I lie quickly. "Oh, I forgot you get cold easily... Lord Fallacy is going to drain me dry..." Papyrus says. I laugh at that. I turn into a bat and land on his head. "Lord?" I hear. "I got to go scum bags." Papyrus says. I hit his head hard. His body shakes and there is a small crack. I screech at him. "Sorry, sorry." He mutters. I just sit on his head the rest of the way.

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now