Chapter 18 - Trust Shattered

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It has been months since Paint was murdered by the villagers, of the village he was playing by. He had told me what happened before I put him to 'bed'. Leocade has been by my side the whole time, always being there for me. Lord Fallacy is still out doing meetings and such, though... I am doubting he is actually doing that. Lord Dream, Lord Night, and Lord Jasper visit often. There is a grave, that I visit everyday, even if it is far. I am walking back from my trip to his grave when a carriage comes down the path slowly. I sit on top of it. As we near the castle I fly ahead of the carriage. I see Papyrus in the court yard, waiting for me. I transform in front of him. "You ready, Lord Encre?" He asks and I nod. We begin to train at full force, no holding back.

I spin my body away from him grabbing the two silver stakes from his hands and use them against him. I have him pinned. One stake above his soul and the other against the area where the skull and spine connect. "Amazing job! Lord Encre!" Papyrus says. I nod removing them from where I had them. I pass them to him. My hands are smoking but it does not phase me. Leocade comes over to me with bandages and gently wraps my hands. Lord Fallacy is watching from the carriage. Leocade kisses me gently on the skull. My face does not shift from how blank it has been for months, with it's rare smile at a maid or butler. He then moves away from me giving me my space. Lord Night and Lord Jasper both come up to me. "How was your walk earlier?" Lord Jasper asks. "It was relaxing, I cleaned up Paint's grave a bit too." I say calmly. They both nod. "Grave?" I hear a voice say. "Lord Fallacy, glad to see you back." Lord Jasper says. Lord Fallacy nods towards them. I bow respectfully taking my leave, following with my usual routines. I enter the castle. Gazelle smiles brightly at me. "Good morning Lord Encre, would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asks. "A cup of Earl Grey would be lovely." I say smiling back at her. She nods and takes her leave. Leocade comes over to me and walks with me maturely. "Encre, this evening may we speak in the library?" He asks. "Of course... I would enjoy that." I say a smidgen of an emotionless looking smile on my face. He smiles and takes his leave. I take a seat in my spot while Lord Dream sits beside me. Gazelle serves me my tea and I thank her. Lord Dream leans over to me. "Psssst..." He says. I just raise a brow at him. "Pssst..." He does it again. I shake my head at him. "Psssssssssssssst..." he does it again and I laugh. "What?" I laugh. "Where have you been?" He asks smirking. I smile down at my tea. My eyes have spots of colour in them again. I shrug. "Hey! That is not a valid explanation!" Lord Dream laughs. I place my tea down laughing softly. He hugs me tightly. "Hey!" I laugh. "He would not want you to be so down... Sure you can miss him, but it will not bring him back." Lord Dream says. I relax into the hug. "I know that, Dream." I say softly. He shakes me slightly. "Now stop being such a blank board!!! Instead of sitting around and doing nothing, do something!!!" Lord Dream yells at me. I laugh. "Like what?" I ask. "Draw something... No one has seen you even enter your painting area, for months." Lord Dream says. "Now... Let us get down to business!!! Since you and Lord Fallacy are both together very rarely, because he is gone for months at a time. He even missed your birthday!" Lord Dream says. I take a sip of tea, before saying "I do not mind the long periods of time he is away, he is the King of Vampires after all... It is natural that he stays away for so long." My voice is extremely blunt. "Do you ever... Wonder what he is doing?" He asks me. "I do, but I trust him completely, even if he does not trust me even a small bit." I say before drinking my tea. "How... I..." Lord Dream mutters as I finish my tea. I set down my cup to the side. "Encre... How can you trust a person like that? I do not even trust my brother to be over 10 feet from me." Lord Dream says. I sigh. "I guess... I just... Trust easily... You for example..." I say smirking. "What?" He says confused. "You called me a tramp, tried to break me and Lord Fallacy up, tried to kidnap me multiple times, watched me sleep multiple times and thought it would be fun... To try and kill me, yet you are my best friend." I state. Lord Dream sweat drops. "Now you have a valid point." He states. I laugh softly. "Lord Fallacy! How could you say such a thing!" I hear. "It is easy he is a tramp." I hear. I stand curious. "You are the tramp far before Encre is!" I hear Lord Jasper's voice. Lord Dream is watching my facial expression. "Like I said... Even if he does not trust me." I state leaving Lord Dream's presence. I go into the small side room. I look around and see the large canvas I was about to paint. I look at the sketch I had done previously. I roll up my sleeves and get to work feeling motivated from Lord Dream's speech.

Hours later...

I am looking at the painting I just did. Suddenly the doors to the side room open. "I told you he was in here!" Lord Dream shouts. I raise a brow at Lord Dream. Leocade comes into view and stands beside me. "That is exquisite..." he says the sound of awe in his voice. "It is not that good..." I say blushing. Lord Dream comes over. "That is... Our trees put in one..." Lord Dream says. "It is truly amazing!!!" Lord Dream says. I blush before hugging Lord Dream forcefully. I then let go of him crossing my arms. "Thanks." I state. "It... Was... Nothing..." Lord Dream says. "You hugged me... And... I did not start it..." Lord Dream says. "No idea what you are talking about." I state walking out of the room. "You hugged me~" He coos. "No idea of what you are talking about." I state. "Yes you do~" He says. Leocade is laughing as Lord Dream follows me. I walk past as many people as possible. He then hugs me. There is laughter everywhere. Lord Fallacy is approaching us. I make him let go of me and storm up the stairs playfully. "I can do that for you." I hear Lord Fallacy say. I turn curiously to see Lord Fallacy leaning over Lord Dream. My soul burns with rage. "Hey! Get off of me!" Lord Dreams says. I feel anger over my sadness. My eyes are red, but I just turn and continue to go up the steps. "How can you do that type of thing in front of Encre?" I hear Leocade shout. "Oh~... He was watching." I hear Lord Fallacy laugh. A maid is looking at me as tears start to form in my eyes. "You are disgusting!!! He trusts you with all his soul, and you just..." Lord Dream says. I hear the crumbling of Paper. "I was only joking around." Lord Fallacy says. I storm off towards the bedroom. I am beyond angry at Lord Fallacy. There is a knock at the door. "Leave me alone." I snap, trying to cool off. The door opens and someone comes in. "Encre, what is the matter?" I hear Lord Fallacy ask. "Nothing is the matter... Now just leave me alone." I say, slightly growling. "No, something is wrong and you are GOING to tell me what is wrong." He says grabbing my wrist. I turn in his arms and go to punch him. I just miss, because he dodges it. I am sad, angry, and so confused. I then break down in tears. I lean into him while crying. "How many... Are there?" I ask trying to stop the tears. "What?" He says confused. "How many are there? Do you even love me?" I ask loudly moving away from him. Lord Fallacy looks confused. "Drop the act, I know how long your meetings actually take. I know how long it takes to go to Lord Furry and back too. That is the furthest you should ever be going! Unless you are at meetings across the bloody continent! AND I DO NOT EVEN WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT!!!" I start to shout. "Calm down... And breathe." Lord Fallacy says coming over to me. "TELL ME FIRST!!!" I shout looking him in the eyes. Lord Fallacy's face goes serious. My anger disappears and I avoid his eyes seeing them angered slightly. I feel afraid as he gets closer to me. He shoves me against a wall. I am pinned, unless I turn into a bat and fly away. I make myself look bigger and meaner. He laughs at me. "Who has been telling you things like that?" He asks harshly. "Do you think I am stupid?" I growl. "You seemed that way for so long..." Lord Fallacy says. I feel hurt and any wall I was holding crashes down. "I was only joking..." He coos before harshly punching me in the face. My skull cracks and I drop down to my knees. "Do you really think I care about you?" He laughs. "I can find someone else to replace you easily!!! Even if your rainbow glow is... Rare... I will find another." He says before kicking me down. I just remain silent as blood starts to seep from the crack to the floor. I give up on living, and I go limp. "Just kill me, then." I say not caring anymore. "Encre!!!" I hear before having my spine stepped onto. I cry out in agony. "If you want to know, then I have 10, plus you, but now... It looks like I am back to only 10." Lord Fallacy says laughs cynically, before the pain disappears and I black out.

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