Chapter 33 - Starting Over

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I wake up to crying. I open my eyes to see a shadowed figure above me. My vision clears. "Encre... It is alright." I hear. I see my mother. I see Paint in her arms fast asleep. I take Paint carefully. "I shall protect him, mother." I say. She smiles as her eyes slowly shut. 'I died... I fucking died.' I think standing. I hide Paint along with Mother and Father. I find a silver stake and pick it up. Vampires attack us and I fight back killing a bunch. Guards find me covered in dust and blood while in the middle of killing a vampire. I fall backwards, before crawling over to Paint to see if he is okay. He is fine and I feel tired as I hold him. He is crying. "Paint... It is alright... You are okay... The vampires will not hurt you as long as I am here... I will make sure they will not... I promise." I say smiling at my brother. "Child... Put down the stake." I hear as the guards drop dead. I see Fallacy there with a look of concern on his face and I start to smile brightly at him. "Lord... Fallacy." I say dropping the stake. His eyes widden in surprise. "I am sorry... I was scared... Are you mad at me?" I ask looking up at him. "Encre..." He says smiling. "I am not mad at you." He adds. I go over to him as he kneels. "He is not scared?" I hear another voice say. "I remember... Everything..." I say smiling up at Lord Fallacy. "I remember as well Encre." He says smiling as he places a hand on my cheek. "Lord Fallacy?" I hear. Lord Fallacy picks me and my brother up. "Let us go before we are caught here." I hear. I am holding onto my brother and Fallacy tightly.

Many years later...

"Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Lord Encre." I hear Suave say to me as I open my door. I smile brightly at him. "Thank you!" I say. "Lord Fallacy has an outfit he wants you to wear today." Suave says. I nod. Suave enters my room turning on the lights. I hiss due to it being bright. Suave looks shocked. "The light will not kill you Lord Encre." Suave chuckles. "I am burning!!! The light burns~" I say pretending to melt. "You have been reading too many of those fairytales, Lord Encre." Suave laughs. "Bleh, Bleh, Bleh~" I giggle. Suave out right bursts into laughter. I am laughing as well. I then see Fallacy coming over to us curiously. Suave is trying to control himself but I keep laughing which is not helping his case. Fallacy sees us almost dying. Paint comes over and holds onto Fallacy's pant leg. Suave and I manage to calm down before looking at each other, we then start to burst into laughter again. Fallacy is left confused. "Bleh~" Paint giggles. We laugh even harder while Paint giggles. I calm down somehow feeling my ribs hurt. "What are you all laughing at?" Fallacy asks. "Story!!! Line!!! Funny!!!" Suave laughs hard. I then look at Fallacy. "I am going to suck your blood... Bleh~ Bleh~ Bleh~" I laugh hard. Fallacy grabs my tongue making me choke on my laughter. I look at him confused. I feel him rub the end of my tongue and I feel a huge shot of pleasure go through me. I try to talk but it sounds like "Bleh~ Bleh~" Fallacy chuckles letting go of my tongue gently. I blush slightly. I think of the drawings I have hidden under my bed suddenly. "Encre?" Fallacy says worriedly. "Sorry... I need to take a walk, I shall be back." I say rushing out of my room then rushing out of the castle. I go to the garden and go to the bench to clear my thoughts. I bring my legs to my chest. I feel myself tearing up. I start to cry softly, feeling the pain in my soul ease up a bit. "Why does it hurt so much?" I cry softly. I hear running and I quickly wipe my tears from my eyes. Forcing my eyes to look happy as I pick a random flower. Fallacy is in front of me worriedly. "Encre... Why were you crying? Are you injured?" Fallacy asks while kneeling in front of me. "I uh just got some of the liquid from the steam in my eye is all." I lie not wanting to worry him. Fallacy just nods standing up. He starts to turn away and I cannot stop the tears from falling as he is leaving me. Fallacy turns back to see me crying. He hugs me tightly while rubbing my back. I sob into his chest never wanting him to leave me. I am holding onto him tighter than I have ever before. "Encre... Why are you so sad?" Fallacy asks me. I look up at him before kissing him on the lips wanting him to know I love him. But he does not kiss back and his grip on me loosens. I then pull back and run away from him. I run right out of the castle grounds and keep running. I run until I trip I hit the ground hard before passing out.

I open my eyes from a dreamless sleep. It is the middle of the night now. I start crying hard hugging myself on the ground. I then hear squeaking. I then see a net. I cut the bat loose. The bat then transforms. I see Kip but do not say anything. "Thank you..." Kip says smiling. "My name is Kip... What is yours?" He asks. I rub my eyes wiping away my tears. "Encre... My name is Encre." I say before sniffling. Kip helps me up. "You are a mortal right?" Kip asks. I nod. "Why are you not running away?" He asks. I shrug. "Do you have a place to go?" He asks. "No..." I say sadly, knowing I cannot just go back and face Fallacy after what I did. "My parents would be thrilled to see a mortal!!! Come live with us for awhile till you know what you will do!" Kip says. I nod smiling gently. Kip grabs my hand and we start running. Kip disappears going up a treehouse. I forget which one is his so I just walk around the village. I sit down behind a stall and fall back asleep. I am shaken awake hours later. I see Kip's father in front of me. "Hey kid... Do you need a place to stay?" He asks. I nod softly. He smiles and picks me up like I am nothing. My arms go around his neck so I do not fall. He carries me up the stairs. The door opens and there is a gasp. "See!!! I told you I found a mortal... But then I lost him!!!" I hear Kip shout. Kip's father sets me down. I stand with my arms held to my chest more defensively. Kip grabs my hand and gently pulls me inside. "Honey... I found him behind a closed stall, and he was sleeping." Kip's father says to Kip's mother. "Oh dear... Did he loose his parents?" I hear. "I do not know." I hear. "Encre, you should sleep with me in my room!" Kip says. I blush hearing him say that. "Yes... You both should sleep, we will learn more about Encre in the morning." I hear Kip's mother say. "Thank you..." I say softly. I remove my shoes before going upstairs. Kip had already removed his. We go upstairs and sleep. Me and Kip are hugging each other throughout the night.

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن