Caught My Eye -Dak Prescott-

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For @emily_rose00

~Emily's POV~

I was at the AT&T stadium watching the Cowboys play the Green Bay Packers. I really hope the Cowboys win so they can move on to Championship round.

I was yelling my ass off. "GO COWBOYS!!!"

Someone on the field quickly noticed me after I shouted.

It was Dak Prescott.

When he saw me, he smiled and waved.

I wasn't prepared for that...All I did was wave back.

~After the game~

The stadium was quiet after Mason Crosby kicked the game winning field goal to move on the Conference Round. Everyone had tears in their eyes after the Cowboys loss. Everyone thought we were going to Super Bowl LI. I was very upset, but I didn't like to show it. I tried cheering everyone up, but they didn't want anything to do with me.

Just as some of us were about to leave, the people working at the stadium stopped us. There was a weather alert that said nobody should go outside because of a tornado alert. Not only there was a tornado that isn't safe, but we're stuck in the stadium our favorite team just lost in.

The people who had other people around them that they knew were lucky because they had someone they knew to talk to. I tried talking to people previously but they were ignoring everything I said so I just shut up.

They let us out of our seats to stand on the field. I went down with the few other fans and somebody caught my eye.

It was Dak Prescott.

When he saw me this time, he winked making me blush. He tried running to me to talk but he was caught by many reporters. He looked back at me and mouthed 'one sec.' I nodded and went back to checking my phone.

After like 30 minutes, Dak was still talking to reporters. He kept looking at me, and I could tell he felt bad, but the people said that we could go home and I was tired so I started walking out of the building. Just as I started walking out I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Dak.

"Hi, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. It's really annoying with all of the reporters in your face all the time.

"It's  fine. I understand," I smiled.

"I just felt the need to talk to you after I caught your eye. You're beautiful," Dak smiled.

"Thanks. I'm Emily," I smiled. I put out my hand and he shook it.

Then there was some silence. Not awkward, just silence.

"Hey, you um, played you heart out today. Don't be sad about it. You have so many more seasons coming. This is your first and you are such an amazing player," I smiled.

He smiled back. "Thanks. I appreciate it. It may not seem like it, but I do,"

"No problem. Hey, could I uh get your number and maybe we can know, talk?" Dak said shyly.

"Yeah sure, I'd love that," I smiled.


Dak decided to give me a hug and it surprisingly it wasn't awkward.

This would have never happened of there was no tornado near by...

Thanks for requesting!

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