Crush -Brad Wing-

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For @emilyopenshaw

-Emily's POV-

I was in a life full of boys 24/7. I liked it most of the times but sometimes it was a little too wild. My brother is Tyler Eifert and my best friend is Andy Dalton. We've been friends for a while. He plays on the Bengals with Tyler. In fact, they are a really good combo.

Because of this, I know a lot of guys on the team and they are always over at me and Tyler's house.

Also, I lived with Andy and my dad because our mom left when I was little. I learned to live with guys.

"Hey c'mon Emily let's go," Tyler shook me. We were headed to the Bengals game. Playing against the New York Giants. Fun game even though the Bengals aren't going to playoffs.

"Yeah boi we are gonna win!" Andy shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Alright hold up," I put on my shoes and my jacket and we left the house.


Since the people I'm always hanging around are pro football players, I get tickets all the time near or in the front row. And I always got here early. I could see all of the players practice, from both teams of course.

I was sitting, cold, and all of a sudden, a ball hit me.

"Ow," I rubbed my head. That was so fricking unexpected.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry," I heard an Australian voice come near me.

Oh damn. This guy's hot. "Oh i-it's ok,"

"Here, let me get you some ice," He said. His accent is so adorable.

"No, no don't worry about it," I smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure,"

"Well it was nice meeting you..."

"I'm Emily,"

"Nice meeting you," he smiled. Oh my gosh he's really cute. "I'm Brad,"

"Nice meeting you, Brad," I smiled.
We shook hands. "Hey how'd you manage to hit me from the other side of the field?"


"Ah I see,"

"Well look here. My sister flirting with someone from the enemy," Tyler said shaking his head walking toward us.

"Shut up," I gave him a shove.

"What are you doing talking to an enemy," Andy shook his head as well.

"Oh my goodness you guys stop," I laughed.

"No," they said at the same time.

"You know them?" Brad asked.

"Sadly yes. Tyler is my brother and Andy is my best friend," I responded with a laugh.

"Oh," Brad looked worried.

"Brad, don't worry. They can't do crap to you," I said.

Tyler and Andy looked shocked. But they were faking it.

"Whatever. Continue your flirting," Tyler and Andy mocked.

I mocked them back and stuck my tongue out. Then Andy did it too. So did Tyler. Then they left.

Brad looked at me weirdly.

"Sorry about that,"

"It's fine," he laughed. "S-so um. Would you like to, you know, uh...yeah,"

His shyness is cute. "What?" I laughed.

"Do y-you wanna go out sometime? I-I mean you don't have to, if you don't want," he stuttered.

"I would love to," I responded making him smile.

"Really? Awesome!" He smiled.

Then we exchanged numbers and hugged.

Thanks for requesting!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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