Minutes passed and slowly the others began regaining consciousness. A dark-haired boy's eyes slowly fluttered open, and his head snapped up. "Where am I?" He whispered to himself, unaware of Loxy sitting next to him.

"You're on a drop ship being sent to Earth." Loxy explained, giving him a fake smile. She wasn't ecstatic about facing her death within the next few minutes, but it was better than staying on the Ark and enduring more experiments.

That was the truth about Loxy that nobody except Abby Griffin, her team, and the Council knew about. Her own parents were never even told about her. They were floated days after her birth, considering she was Unregistered. That's when Abby started noticing something strange about Loxy.

Ever since then she's run countless tests on her, trying to discover the truth behind her "supernatural abilities". They've called Loxy multiple things. A scientific wonder. A medical mystery.

Despite how much she's grown used to the pain, Loxy has never been able to swallow the fear she gets every time she's sent into the lab. After twenty years of dealing with the agony, Loxy finally found her escape. Being sent down to a radiation soaked planet to die sounded like the better option.

"We're gonna get ourselves killed," he uttered, glancing around the level they were on for a moment. "I'm Finn," he finally told Loxy, locking eyes with her.

"Loxy," she responded gruffly, avoiding his gaze. Even with Clarke, the daughter of Abby Griffin, Loxy still had difficulties socializing with other humans. Who could blame her though, since she'd spent her whole life either being confined or on a test table? The only free time she had was lunch, and she'd talk to Clarke and even Wells during that time.

Despite how much Loxy hated Abby, she decided not to hold grudges against Clarke for the actions of her mother. The same excuse went to her Wells. He wasn't the one who floated her parents. He couldn't be blamed for his father's commitments.

The only problem was neither Clarke nor Wells knew about the tests. They were unaware of what Abby did to her every time she was taken out her cell. All they knew was that she was a child placed under special care after her parents were floated for having her.

"Well, might as well have some fun," Finn growled as he began to fiddle with his seat belt, eventually taking it off with a click. Gradually, the boy began to float into the air.

"Finn! Get back in your seat unless you want to die sooner." Loxy hissed, attempting to keep her voice low. But the others had already begun to notice him as he made his way towards another section of seats.

At this point, a screen had flickered to life with the face of the Chancellor on it. Loxy blocked it out however, considering she wasn't too keen of him either.

"Looks like your dad floated me after all," Finn spoke, catching Loxy's attention again. She let out a small gasp when she realized he was floating next to Clarke and Wells. They were on the drop ship! She hadn't seen either of them in months.

"Finn, I'd suggest you float yourself back over here before we enter Earth's atmosphere!" She shouted, resisting the urge to jump after him. If she had to go to desperate measures, she would do so by using her powers. Something she only unleashed when she really needed them.

"Loxy?" Clarke breathed, astonishment spreading across her face.

Her attention was elsewhere, however, as two boys began to get out of their seats to follow Finn. "Stay in your seats! You'll die if you don't!" She tried to warn them.

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