Kisses/first kiss

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(Kid n Teenagers universe)
Third person's POV
Ever since Ted and Chris have been dating, there has been a lot of kissing.

They gave each other kisses in the morning, evening and night, whether it was on the cheek, lips, forehead, neck, the list goes on. They've kissed each other in front of a lot of people from strangers, friends, their parents, heck they've even kissed in front of Aiden.

Aiden doesn't mind them dating but he just finds it weird that those two would date each other since they just seemed like really good friends and nothing else but Aiden being Aiden, still calls them freaks.

There would even be times when they make out, well in private of course.

  To them, each and every kiss means something such as love, passion or lust. If they were ever to remember one of their kisses it'd be their first kiss.

Day of their first kiss
Ted and Chris were at their town's local fair and it was packed with people. Chris had heard about the upcoming fair on his way home and quickly told Ted about it. At first, Ted didn't want to go and would rather stay at home with his Jeffmelon but once he saw the sad frown, quivering lips and tears form on his friend's face he said yes, not wanting to see a teary mascara filled Chris.

Since arriving to the fair, they couldn't really play all the carnival games since most of the prizes were small fish and small watermelons. There were some games without the two but the games seemed so boring and didn't have any interesting prizes.

They had been walking for eighteen minutes and Chris couldn't help but notice a particular booth. The booth had a game called balloon darts and it was owned by a skeleton. Chris's eyes quickly looked at the prizes and they beamed with excitement because he saw a huge cat plushy and he really wanted it. He quickly ran to the booth where the game was held, leaving Ted by himself.

Ted had noticed Chris's absence when he didn't hear his friend taking about going to all the fun rides instead of walking around. Ted turned around and quickly called out Chris's name. He started running back and was scanning everywhere. He saw Chris at a booth and jogged near him.

"Chris why did you leave me back there? You should've told me you wanted to check out this booth." Ted huffed. Chris looked at his friend and said "Oh, I'm sorry Ted, but my excitement got the best of me". Ted looked at the booth in front of them and said "What the hell is this?". The skeleton inside the booth said "It's a balloon dart game. You wanna try?" After hearing this Chris quickly said "I'll try sir." Chris paid the skeleton seven dollars and the skeleton took it and put it in his little cash box. He gave five darts to Chris said "Alright, if you want to win a big prize, you'll need to hit all five balloons. Alright, start when you feel ready."

Chris took a moment to get his arms comfortable and threw the first dart. It missed. He threw the second dart and it missed again. Chris started getting frustrated and threw his three remaining darts. He had missed all them. Upon seeing the results, the skeleton said "Sorry kid, that's all the chances you get, unless you pay again". Chris decided to just leave since he knew he wasn't going to win the prize. He was walking away from the booth until he heard Ted say "I'll play". Chris looked at Ted and saw him paying the skeleton seven dollars and receive five darts. "Hey Chris, come over here" said Ted. Chris walked over to Ted and was about tell him that he didn't have to play until Ted grabbed his hand and brought Chris closer to him. Chris was next to Ted and saw him throwing a dart and hit the balloon. After hitting all the balloons, the skeleton congratulated Ted and asked him which prize he wanted. Ted looked at Chris and asked him which one he wanted. Chris had pointed to the huge plush cat and the skeleton handed it to him.

After leaving the booth, the two had decided to just go on the rides. They had lots of fun in each and every ride but there was one more that they didn't go on yet. It was the ferris wheel.

They had waited in line for five minutes and it was finally their turn. They went inside the cart sat next to each other because it was a two person cart only. While waiting for the ride to start the two friends had been talking about a random subject that Chris had brought up. The ride had started and the two boys were looking at their surroundings getting smaller and smaller. The ride was starting off slow but increased its speed.

Halfway during the ride it took a sudden halt, leaving the boys on the very top. Chris had asked Ted "What happened?" and Ted replied with a concern "I don't know".

Ted had looked for a cause as to why the ride had stopped and it wasn't until someone had yelled "The ride is broken" and Ted's heart had fell all the way down to the pit of his stomach.

Chris had also heard that the ride had stopped and looked at Ted and said "Wait, so does this mean we will be up here for a while?" Ted had looked at Chris and said "Pretty much". Chris had looked at the view around him and looked at Ted and gave him a big warm smile and said "Well we might as well enjoy the view since we're up here."

Ted couldn't help but blush a bit at Chris. Chris had looked the other direction again with a smile and thought that the people looked liked little ants from up where he was at. Ted wasn't interested on anything else but Chris. He had just notice how cute Chris was. His short blond hair, porcelain skin, hazel eyes and perfectly applied makeup. The bright lights in the background had brought even more beauty to him. Ted's eyes had slowly trailed down to Chris's lips.

"I wonder how his lips would feel on mine? Wait, what am I thinking about, Chris is my best friend, I can't think of him like that" Ted had thought. But his heart couldn't help but sore for Chris, to just hug and kiss him, or even better, for him to be his. "Ugh, get a hold of yourself Ted, you can't think of him like that, it would only ruin your friendship with him." he kept thinking.

The more and more Ted thought about it, the more and more he didn't notice that he was getting closer to Chris. Chris had turned his head and saw Ted really close to him. Ted had scooted back a bit and apologized but Chris had said it was fine.

There was a long moment of silence and Ted just couldn't seem to take it any longer. His heart also couldn't handle him being very close to Chris and kiss him. Ted was very hesitant but he quickly grabbed Chris's chin and kissed him on the lips. Chris was very surprised of this action but melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Ted's shoulders. Then kissed for a minute and pulled away, leaving their lips moist. Ted blushed madly and was going to quickly apologize but Chris kissed his cheek and laid his head on Ted's chest. Yes had started to relax and wrap his arm around Chris and enjoyed the view for a bit. By then, the ride had started working again and let every single person off the ride since the fair was closing. After that, Ted and Chris walked out the fair hand in hand. Chris looked at ted and said "Well wasn't this an interesting day". Ted kept looking straight and said " was." Chris could see the small smile on Ted's face and grinned.

But little did they know that their relationship was going to get more stronger and unbreakable.  

I told myself that this would be a short chapter and that I would stop at 300 words but look, its now 1400 words...fuck. But I mean hey, it's cute right? :p Well I hoped you enjoyed it so peace

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