Best part of the day

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(Kid n' Teenagers Universe)
Ted's POV
Do you have a favorite part of the day? Not just one day a week or month, but daily. For example, most people like going to sleep or getting home and be a complete couch potato watching TV or being on the internet. Now if that's you, I don't mean to offend anyone because I would actually be like that too but in this case...I'm not.

Now if your questioning me on what my favorite part of the day is, it would be waking up in the morning. I know, shocking right? Me, Ted the sad and half human vampire likes to wake up in the morning? Well, I have a good reason as to why I like it.

My reason being as to why I like waking up in the morning is waking up next to Chris. I like the fact that when I wake up I instantly feel the presence of someone next to me in bed and having my legs intertwined with someone else's leg and am either being hugged or am hugging someone. I like waking up seeing his beautiful face and brushing away the strands of blonde hair covering it. But most importantly, I like waking up knowing that he's mine and I'm not lonely anymore.

Before Chris and I became an item, I didn't really have any decent sleep so there were a lot of times that I didn't really bother sleeping but there were those rare occasions where I did sleep decently but I would always wake up feeling so cold and lonely and I just didn't like that feeling. It made me feel like I would always be lonely and wouldn't have anyone who cared about me and I just hated it.

But then here comes Chris walking into my life with his happy smile, bubbly personality...pretty face..beautiful eyes, kissable lips, God I love him so much that just thinking about him gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Heh, I guess you can say we're just destined to be together, I don't know how but I just feel like we are.

Oh, but sorry if I got a bit off topic there but yeah, that's my reason as to why I like waking up in the morning. And I wouldn't ever change it.

Ayyyyyy guys so here's another chapter of this book and I know this one is short but I think it's kinda cute, don't you think? Oh and that couch potato part is so me but lately I can't afford to be a couch sad. But anyways I hope you liked it and as always make sure you guys have those notifications on because you guys will be having a great chapter coming your way real soon, peace ✌

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