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(Kid n' Teenagers Universe)
Ted's POV

Depression. What a horrible feeling. It's a feeling that makes you doubt yourself and push the people you care about away. It makes you an empty shell, an empty shell that has no portion of emotion, except, for sadness.

My depression first started when I was 16 years old. By that time, I was still mad about my dad leaving my mom and I. He was the reason why I became depressed. To me, it felt like he didn't care about us and thought it would be okay to just leave us there without telling us where he was going and why he was leaving. I mean, what kind of person leaves his own wife and son?

Sometimes I wondered if I were ever to take my own life away, would he care? Would he even consider to visit my grave? I've actually consider suicide and was about to do it but coincidentally, Chris moved back into the neighborhood.

When Chris moved back and met me again, I somehow felt a bit of weight leave my shoulders. But that didn't mean I stopped all my negative thoughts and cutting. I never told him my problems but ended up telling him when he somehow got in my house and found me cutting myself in the bathroom.

I can still remember how careful and calm he was when he took the blade away from me and sat me down on the toilet seat. He treated my wounds with care and I swear, I have never cried so hard in my life. He rested my head on his shoulder and petted my hair, telling me to let it all out.

Ever since that night, Chris had been very overprotective of me and to be honest, I didn't mind it. It made me feel like I was wanted and cared for. Little did I know, I was falling for him. But my demons came back and I just thought so negative and my anxiety got the best of me. The thought of rejection always made me die inside and it was hard to resist the urge to cut myself.

But sure enough, I wore my big boy pants and asked him out. When he said yes, I felt like I was suddenly pulled out of the darkness and brought into the light.

Even when we got together, there were some times that my demons taunted me that I wouldn't have Chris forever and to just die already but when those moments come, Chris is always there by my side, shinning his light to keep the darkness away.

So I guess you can say, he's my personal sunshine.

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