What is this? (Gift Chapter)

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Okay so before you guys read this chapter I just want to say Happy birthday sleepycreator16. Since you drew me something on my birthday, I wrote you a story for your birthday.(^ω^)Sorry I couldn't post this earlier but uh, please enjoy this fluff or whatever you want to call it. Oh, and this is kinda based on the picture at the top...just to let you know. Now, onto the story.

(Kid n' Teenagers Universe)
Chris's POV

So you guys know how Ted loves watermelons right? Well, I'm going to troll him with a cake. But, this cake is going to look like a normal cake. I know, not the coolest thing but hey, I'm bored.

So, what I plan on doing is cut a watermelon in a circular shape (just like a cake), cover it with whipped cream frosting, and add some almond slices with other small fruits. Now, this joke isn't supposed to hurt him (physically or emotionally), but it's just to get a good laugh at his reaction...for me at least.

Oh and I forgot to mention that Aiden is helping me with this prank. I really didn't want him to help me but he was the only one who could distract Ted while I made the "cake".

Sure enough, I heard loud banging at the door and I didn't even have to guess who it was. I opened the door and Aiden just pushed me aside while saying "Sup freak". I glared at him and was about to respond to him but he already opened his annoying little mouth.

"So are we going to do this prank or what?" He said. "Yeah, but Ted's still sleeping so-" "I'll go wake him up". I was slightly confused about what he said and before I was going to question him, he was already walking up the stairs. The only thing I could do now was follow him.

Right before he went inside the room, he knelled down and took his backpack off. He started searching for something but quickly got the item he wanted. He took out a air horn and shook it like crazy.

He causally got in the room and got near Ted, looking evilly at him. He got on the bed and jumped, falling on top of Ted while blowing the air horn and yelling "WAKE UP FREAK!". Ted yelped in pain and pushed Aiden off the bed.

"You little piece of shit, what the hell was the for" Ted angrily said while clutching his stomach. Aiden got up and said "Take me to the zoo" "No" "Yes, or I'll tell Chris to break up with you."

 Up to that point, I stepped in and said "Aiden, you know very well that I would never do that." "Ha! Beat that you twerp" "And Ted please take Aiden to the zoo" "What, why?" "Well my mom promised him that she was going to take him but she has stuff to take care of at work." "Are you going with us?" "No" "Why not? "Because you two need to bond." "Well then I'm not going."

"Oh please do it Ted, you know how he gets when he wants something" "You know how he gets when he's with me"

'Alright, I need to convenience him a different way, he won't budge if I beg' I thought to myself. "Aiden go downstairs, we'll meet you there" "What, why?" "Ted and I are going to talk and you shouldn't hear about it"

I walked over to Aiden and pushed him out of the room, quickly closing the door and saying "bye". I looked back at Ted and saw him sitting up on the bed. I walk to the bed and sit down next to him, laying my head on his shoulder and intertwining our hands.

"I'm not taking your annoying brother anywhere Chris" Ted said looking at the the window. "C'mon, if you do this I'll give you something~" "Oh yeah? Like what" "A treat" Once I said, he had his full attention on me.

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