They're just dreams

650 19 8

(Kid n' Teenagers Universe)

Ted's POV

(Before you read this chapter, I just wanted to tell you guys to listen to a song called "Strawberry" by
X I X X on SoundCloud or YouTube because it goes good with this chapter. K I'll let you guys read this chapter, bye)

Question. That's all I had right now. Questions like "Why am I in the park?" and "Why isn't anyone here?"

"Ted! Ted! What are you doing standing around here?" Chris? How the hell did he get here?

"C'mon Ted! Let's go to the top of the hill so we can see the sunset." "Hill? What hill? There isn't a hill in this park." "Oh course there is silly, look."

I looked at the direction he was pointing at and sure enough, there was a hill. What the hell is going on?

Chris extend his hand and waited for me to grab it. I hesitantly grabbed his hand and he intertwined our fingers and I could already feel my blood rushing to my cheeks.

We soon reached the top of the hill and sat down.

"Isn't this sight just beautiful?" He asked.

I wanted to say "No, you're beautiful" but that would've sounded too cliché so I just hummed in response.

Chris scooted closer to me and laid his head on my shoulder. God if this is a dream I hope it never ends. I decided to make this risky move and wrap one arm around Chris' waist.

I was expecting Chris to move away from me but he just giggled and snuggled closer to me. For a good while, we just sat there looking at the sunset and enjoyed each others company.

Chris moved his head away from my shoulder and faced me. I looked at him and that's when I noticed he was leaning towards me and before I knew it, his lips touched mine.

I don't even know how to kiss yet I was some how able to return his kiss. I've never felt more embarrassed in my life but and to make matters worse I felt those butterflies flying in my stomach.

After a good moment of "kissing" we parted our faces away from each other. Chris was flashing his pretty smile while I was a red mess.

Chris looked deep into my eyes and told me these three words I have long anticipated for ,"I love you Ted" well, four, but you catch my drift.

I was about to tell Chris that I loved him too but all of a sudden, everything disappeared.

A dream. It was all a dream. I shouldn't be surprised. Of course all that stuff was fake. Those things can't happen in real life.

Chris doesn't love me. He never has and never will. I mean, why would someone as perfect as him, love me? A sad, depressing loser who has no life ahead of him except death.

Shit, now I'm crying. Another reason why Chris won't love. I'm a mess aren't I? A horrible, horrible mess.

I keep shaking. I hate it. It proves that I'm weak. I've always been weak. Maybe that's why dad left us, because we're not as strong as him.

But for all my life the only thing that has kept me comfort was the darkness of my room. My dark, empty, and lonely room. Sure I've some alternatives such as my pills, cutting, and watermelons but nothing beats the comfort of my room.

The same dark room that I will rot in. Heh, up to this point, that idea of my death doesn't sound so bad.

So for now and forever, I'll stay in the comfort of my room and dream of a happy life that I wish I can have with Chris, because that's what they just are, dreams.

Hey guys, sorry if this seems rushed or something but I just poured all my emotions in this chapter. Uh, I'm still not over the girl I like and lately I've just been having these dreams with her in it so, yeah. If there's something wrong in here I'll edit it later. So yeah, peace out my little innocent angels ✌

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