Stress can cause crying spells

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(Kid n' Teenagers Universe)
Chris's POV

Have you ever just cried out the nowhere? Cried, because you keep all your emotions inside. Are you seen as a happy person even though people don't know how you're really feeling inside? Has anyone ever seen you in a crying spell?

Ted has, and the person that he saw in that state was me.

I guess you can say that it was a normal day but in all honesty, it wasn't even close to normal.

I wasn't in the mood for anything and I was under a lot of stress. I had just received a phone call from my mom and she told me that she had double the amount of work than usual, so our family day was basically canceled. Then I had another phone call from Aiden's school telling me that he needed a parent conference about his grades and he just got suspended, and a text from Cherry saying that I needed to work the whole week since one of the other workers had a family emergency.

When stuff like this usually happens, I just keep all my emotions in and proceed with the day, but it seems like my body said otherwise.

Ted came in our room and said "What are you still doing in bed kitten?" Trying not to sound or look sad, I faked a smile and said "Don't really feel like getting up is all, why, what's up?" "Just wanted to know if you wanna go see a movie or go out and eat tonight" "Naw, I just wanna stay home." "Well we can order something and chill here if you want." "Not really in the mood for anything right now."

Ted was starting to worry and he sat down on the bed next to me and said "Chris are you okay? Is something wrong?"

Still giving him a fake smile, I said "Everything's fine." After I said that, my eyes gave up on me and one by one, tears started to flow out of my eyes and soon enough I started to sob.

When seeing my tears, Ted quickly pulled me in for a hug and worriedly asks what's wrong. I tried to muster my response but none came out. Ted rubbed circles behind my head with his thumb and shushed me, telling me to just let it all out.

After I calmed down a bit, Ted said "Chris what's wrong? Why isn't my kitten happy?" Not daring to look at him, I said "Ted, I'm under so much stress, I wish I can always be your happy kitten or your personal sunshine but how can I be that when I'm clearly not. I wish I could keep all my emotions in but sometimes they just come out and, god I wish you didn't have to see me this way."

Ted hugged me a bit tighter and said "Chris if you were in so much stress why didn't you tell me? You know that I will gladly help you out on things like this, you gotta remember that we're a team and I won't ever let you go through this by yourself, just like you do to me."

I sniffed and nodded my head. I muffled a "I'm sorry" and Ted kissed the top of my head and said "It's alright."

We stayed there holding each other for a bit and Ted loosened up the hug and ran his hand through my hair while saying "C'mon let's go get some ice cream" I wiped my tears and nodded. Ted smiled at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips and got up. I looked at him and placed my arms up saying "carry me". He playfully rolled his eyes and carried me downstairs.

Ted x Chris (Oneshots) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن