Fluffy and soft, just like a cat

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Kid n' Teenagers Universe
Chris always had a thing for Ted's hair, even before they were dating. But Chris couldn't help but touch his hair even if Ted told him 'no'. Chris always thought that Ted's hair felt like cat fur. Soft and fluffy is how he describes it. Whenever Chris has a chance, he always ruffles or pets his boyfriend's hair. But he only gets that chance when Ted is feeling down or just wants some loving from his love. And it just so seems that it was one of those days.

Ted's POV
I came back home from taking Adien to go get pizza since I owed him and I couldn't help but think about Chris.

Ever since we've been dating I've secretly enjoyed him doing all these couple stuff like cuddling, kissing and him petting my hair. It was kinda weird at first but we took some time getting used to us dating but now I found it very comfortable. I walked inside the house and saw Chris sitting on the couch in the living room with Mr. Foofy sleeping on his lap. He was petting him and I heard the purrs coming out of his throat. Sometimes I envy that cat because it somehow feels like Chris gives him more love than me. But hey, why should I complain since I was the one who gave him to Chris.

Chris heard me come in the house and looked at my direction and gave me an adorable smile and said "Hey Ted, how was it with Aiden?" Ugh, I don't even want to talk about that little brat. "You know the usual. God, I swear one day I will end up doing something to that kid." I told him. Chris just softly laughed and told me that it's probably just a faze he's going through. I walked over to the couch and sat net to Chris, putting my head on his shoulder. He was watching a stupid drama show about skeletons and it's pretty boring. I glanced over at him and noticed that he didn't have his makeup on. With or without it, he was still gorgeous, well atleast in my eyes. I saw Mr. Foofy jump off of Chris's lap and went somewhere else, leaving Chris's lap unoccupied. I took that as a chance to lay my head on his lap. I look up at him and tell him "love me". I saw his eyes sparkle and quickly run his hands through my hair. I closed my eyes and felt myself getting relaxed. Just the way that his hands ran through my hair was very pleasing. I let out a soft sigh and felt myself drifting to sleep, well that was until Chris had asked me something. "What did you say?" "I said that your hair feels like cat fur." "Cat fur?" "Yes because it's soft and fluffy like it." he says with a smile. I give him a that read 'what the fuck' and he ends up laughing and kissing my forehead. I playfully roll my eyes and turned on my side to look at the TV. Chris was still running his hand through my hair and I couldn't help but smile, thinking that as long as we're together, he can say that my hair is fluffy and soft, just like a cat.

Alright, this was my first chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed and don't worry fellow readers I shall have new chapters coming really soon since I'm filled with ideas. So that's it for now and stay tuned for the next chapter, peace

Ted x Chris (Oneshots) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt