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We made an appointment with the doctor so we can get confirmed.

"Yes you're pregnant, you're currently at 2 weeks. We'll schedule an appointment for when you're at 6. I really want you to take care of yourself. The fetus is young and anything can happen. But don't be thinking about that, congratulations."

"Thank you doctor."

"Thanks doc."

We left the Doctor's office and went home. As soon as we got home, i threw up again. This sickness is getting really annoying. But it's my baby and i don't care about anything else.

"When are we going to tell our parents?"

Asked Jared.

"I don't know. I say we call them right now."

Jared dialed his mom and told her the news. She was overjoyed and Jared and I could hear Shannon and Tomo screaming in the background. Then we called my mom, she started crying and so did my dad. They thanked Jared for giving me what i have always wanted, a family. Jared and I fell asleep in each other's arms and everything was perfect. I had the love of my life next to me, a beautiful home, and now a baby in my life. Nothing could bring me down. Until... tragedy struck...

3:14 A.M

I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I held my stomach and tried to hold in my scream. I left the bed, careful to not wake Jared up. I walk to the restroom and look threw the cabinets for any pain killers. Then, I felt something wet going down my pants. I fall to the ground and realize, i'm sitting in a pool of my own blood. The metallic scent fills the room and I start crying, not being able to control myself. My baby was dead. I couldn't control my crying. I then her the bed squeak. Jared woke up. I tried to settle down but I couldn't . I hear a slight knock at the door.

"Babe, you alright?"

I say nothing. He then entered the door and saw all the blood. He starts crying and falls to his knees and hugs me, kissing my head.

"I'm so sorry."

He says through his tears. I burry my face in his chest and start sobbing.

"No Jared No! My baby! MY BABY NO!"

Then, everything goes black.

[Jared's P.O.V]

I quickly call 911.

"911 What's your emergency?"

"Please help! My girlfriend is unconscious. She loosing a lot of blood!"

"What is happening why is she bleeding?"

"She was pregnant and she lost our baby. Please send help!"

"Ok sir help is on the way stay on the line with me, don't hang up. Now tell me..."


6:35 A.M.

I've been in the hospital with Margot since 3... They did something to her so she can stop bleeding. She hasn't woken up. My eyes, dry, for i have cried all the water i had in my body. My family and Margot's family know.. They can't come visit but want us to know that they're sorry.. and that we have their support. So it's just me and Margot, alone to face this. I turn to see Margot flutter her eyes open.

"Jared? Jared where am I?!?!"

I walk over and kneel besides the bed and i hold her hand and look down. She sees me do this..

"No no no no no it's not a dream! It's not a dream! It's dead."

She says sobbing. And she proved me wrong cause i started crying too. I get up and kiss her head.

"It's going to be alright babe, it's going to be alright I swear."

She just stays there crying, and there's nothing I can do to stop this pain. Nothing.

"It's all my fault."

She says


"It's my fault it's dead. It's my fault i'm here and it's my fault this affected us."

"No babe, you did nothing wrong. The doctor said the baby just wasn't ready and it died.."

She just layed there, staring blankly at the wall. With no emotions, no pain, and no will to live. And it killed me seeing her like this.

A/N: I know, I know...Kill me now. Cmon I see you holding the knife just throw it at me. Here, I'll stand closer. There stab me! STAB ME TO DEATH FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE! IM SORRY.

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