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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh. I hate waking up early."

I turned around and turned off my alarm clock, 3:45 am. Great. I got up and turned to my suitcases. I had forgotten to unpack last night but whatever i knew where everything was. I put on some white jeans and a black t-shirt. I headed out to the lobby while grabbing a plain Greek yogurt with a spoon. I saw Cara holding a pillow and wearing sweatpants pants and a long sleeve shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun, looking identical to mine.

"Hey Cara.."

She looked over to me looking to tired to stand up. She walked over to me and put her head on my shoulder.


"Tired too?"


"Go to sleep late?"


"Want a ride?"


I practically drag her to the car David told me to rent. She gets to the back seat and lays down. I sigh and go to the drivers seat and make my way to set.

30 minutes later..

I parked the car and see Will, Joel, Karen, and David leaning against someone's car. They see me and come towards me, of course Will is the first to speak.

"Hey hey hey! Margot!"

He gives me a hug... longer than usual. And he looked at me a different way, like a look you would give to the love of your life. But I ignored it.

"Hi Will! And Karen and David and Joel."

"Where's Cara?"

"Oh she's in the back."

I turn to the backseat to see Joel holding her wedding style and getting her out of the car.

"I don't want to wake up.."

"I don't want you to get fired."

They're such a cute couple.


Cara stands up facing everybody.

"Hi guys, where's the crazy one?"

David laughs and says

"I'm guessing you're talking about Jared? Yea well he went to the restroom."

He turns to the set.

"Or is coming from the restroom."

I turn to the same way he looks and there he is a grey hoodie and black pants. God he's so...good.

[Will's P.O.V]

Margot looked over to Jared. I felt my blood boiling I was getting mad. I know I shouldn't because I have a wife and kids but.. I liked Margot.. she mad me feel like no one ever could separate us. But there was one person that had a chance to separate us, and that person is-


Margot said as he approaches her. He smiled and said

" Hey Margot."

They hugged.

[Jared's P.O.V]

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my hands around her waist. I had given up on love, but Margot made me feel differently. I couldn't fall asleep last night because I just kept thinking about her. She let go of me and we just kind of got lost in each other's eyes. Of course Will had to interrupt,

"OK. David shouldn't we get to wardrobe?"

"Uh yeah everybody get to your trailers!"

I looked over to Will who had his eyes locked on Margot. Everybody goes to their trailer except Will and I. I passed by him and in between my coughs I said,

"*cough* cockblock *cough*"

I walk to my trailer and sat down. Then I realized I didn't eat breakfast.. and I love food.

"Dang it."

Jargot ♡ {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now