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1 week later

Ok, in two days I go and meet Constance, Jared's mom, Shannon, his brother, and Tomo, his friend. I'm nervous, i've never been this nervous to meet a boyfriend's mom. Even with Tom. NO MARGOT STOP COMPARING JARED WITH TOM . That is no bueno. God i'm such an idiot.

"Margot? Babe you ok?"

I snap out of my thought realizing I had been staring blankly into the ceiling. I was laying down about to fall asleep when I just got lost in my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah babe I'm alright."

"What were you thinking about? You've been like this for the past few days.. Is something bothering you?"

"Well.. It's just, I'm nervous about meeting your family."

"Why are you nervous?"

"What if your mom doesn't accept me? And we have to break up? I don't want to loose you.. And what about Shannon? If he doesn't like me, that's bad because he's your older brother.. your other half. And Tomo... Well, he's just Tomo.. But whatever her matters too! I just don't want what we have to end."


He lets out a slight laughs and lays down with me looking up, just like I'm doing.

"Not my mom, or Shannon, or Tomo will prevent us from being together. I love you more than you can imagine and I can assure you that what we have won't end, or at least I don't plan for it to end."

I roll over setting my head on his chest and rubbing my left hand in his abs.

"Thanks.. And I love you too. And you're right, no one can stop us from being together."

I get up and go on top of him, I kiss him and hug him. He pulls away

"Enough of this I want real fun ."

He throws me off into the bed I laugh and he gets on top of me.

"Alright Ms. Robbie, I'll be taking your ass on an adventure of pleasure."

I squeal and once again, he makes me his.


"Passengers for LAX now boarding flight 582 from Canada to Los Angelas. Now boarding all passengers please board."

Jared holds my hand and looks towards me

"Hey, Its okay. I'm right here, my mom will love you."

I nod. We are immediately attacked by the paparazzi,

"Margot! Margot! Over here!"

"Jared! How's the movie going along?"

"What's the fight between you and Will about, Jared? Was it because of Margot??"

We enter our plane, first class. We sit down and I immediately lean my head against Jared's shoulder. I look out the window and close my eyes. In just a few hours i'll be meeting the mother of the love of my life.

A few hours later..

"Babe.. Babe wake up, we're here."

I hear Jared tell me, I get up and realize that I have to go meet Constance now. Oh God, Margot if you mess this up for yourself I'm going to kill myself.. We get off the plane and once again, paparazzi .

"Margot is it true you never loved Tom Ackerley?"

"Jared! How's Shannon and Tomo doing? New music coming soon??!"


We get into an uber and are driven to Constance's house. I hold Jared's hand and give him a nervous look. He catches on and gives me a kiss

"Hey, you'll be fine. She'll love you."

I smile


We walked up to the foot steps.

Ding Dong!

Constance opens the door and sees Jared

"Jared! My baby boy!!"

They hug and Jared pulls me closer to him by the waist.

"Mom, this is Margot.. My girlfriend."

Constance says nothing and turns around and goes into the house. I hold back my tears, Jared notices and hold my hand

"Don't worry, this isn't like her.. I think.."

I nod. I just hope she likes me, and we are NOT off to a good start.

A/N: AYEE ❤️

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