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[Margot's P.O.V]

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up and saw Jared. I was so happy to know that last night wasn't a dream. I put my hand in his hair, stroking it. He slowly woke up.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.." I said. He smiled and pulled me close to him.

"It's alright, we have to get up anyways."

We quickly got ready. I was wearing a plain white shirt with some jeans and he was wearing a batsman shirt with some khaki shorts.


I nodded. We went down to the lobby, holding hands and Cara was there. She quickly ran to me and said

"What is this?"

"Cara, I asked Margot to be my girlfriend. Knowing that you're her on set bff, i would like to have your blessing."

Joel was with her holding her by the waist.


Joel quickly covered her mouth and said,

"You guys have her blessing. Congratulations."

We both smiled. We all rode together to set.

30 minutes later.

We finally got to set and parked. I see Will talking to David while looking at me and Jared. I turn to Jared to see him also looking at them with rage in his eyes,

"If he says anything about our relationship.."

We weren't allowed to have relationships on set because according to David,"Relationships=Problems = Drama= We can't finish the movie." Cara and Joel were a different story. Will didn't have a problem with them so he obviously wouldn't say anything. Me and Jared on the other hand...


Oh shit. David just called Jared over. He looked over at me. Will was walking away from David with a smirk on his face. Jared slowly walked over to David. I just hope nothing bad happens.

[Jared's P.O.V]

I walked to David to see him with a serious face.

"What happened David? Is everything ok?"

"Well, I heard from Will you and Margot had a thing?"

"Look David, I know you don't like relationships on set, but I love Margot and I can assure you that our relationship will not interfere with filming. And if there comes a time where there is a fight I can promise you, whatever it is it will stay at the door and out of work."

David smiled, and said with a smirk

"Jared, I didn't call you over to tell you 'No Relationships.' I called you over to congratulate you. Margot is a great woman and I know you're lucky for having her. I do appreciate your professionalism and your approach to this situation. Unlike Will, who basically came to snitch on you.. does he have a problem with you or Margot?"

"Both of us, he likes Margot but since I got her he got jealous and I guess he tried separating us.."

"Hm.. Ok I'll have a talk with him."

"Oh you don't have to David."

"No no it's my decision. I don't like that type of childish behavior on set. Well I mean we're all childish but the kind to break up a couple? That's not even childish that's foolish."

"Thanks David."

We give a brotherly hug and when we did I could see Will with a confused face. David called over Will and when I passed by him while walking away I say,

"Talk about a plan backfiring."

A/N: Sorry for the inactivity.. life keeps getting in the way of my writing :/

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