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We enter and I see two men.

"Margot, this is Shannon my older brother."

I smile. Shannon and I hug.

"..And this is Tomo, my band member and friend."

We shake hands.

I speak up

"Well hi guys, It's really n-"

I'm cut off by Tomo and Shannon gasping. Tomo grabs Shannons arm and shakes it.

"Holy crap, Jared got an Australian!"

I laugh

"Is that good or bad?"

Jared puts his hand over me and Shannon says,

"Good? That's awesome. Australian and Mexican ladies are great in bed. If you know what I mean.

Jared bursts out laughing and says,

"Well I can assure you the Australian theory, is definitely true."

Tomo says,

"The Mexican.. they're ok."

We all laugh. But then see Constance in the corner, Shannon says

"Hey, Ma.. is everything ok?"

Constance immediately starts crying and runs upstairs and we here a door loudly shut. I put a strand of my straight blond hair behind my ear,

"Is it because of me?"

Jared lets go of me

"Of course not, I'll go and see what's up."

He runs upstairs and i'm left with Shannon and Tomo.

"Cmon Margot lets go to the kitchen to talk."

I nod my head and Shannon guides me to the kitchen.

"I don't think you mom likes me.."

"Well, we don't know that yet."

"She ignored me when I entered and we made a joke about me in bed and she ran up crying!"

"Well yes that's true.."

Tomo adds on,

"Ms. Leto is a very understanding and protecting mother. I've never seen her like this.. Shan you think something is up?"

"I honestly don't know."

We are interrupted by Jared walking down the stairs. He walks into the kitchen with a normal face, as if nothing is wrong. He puts his hand around my waist and I ask,

"So what happened with your mum?"

Tomo burst out laughing


Jared puts out his hand,

"Woah woah watch what you say about cute, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I shake my head,

"Seriously, is something wrong?"


Constance walks in and says

"Margot, would you mind if you helped me make dinner?"

I shake my head

"Not at all I'll be glad to help."

"Good. Boys out, do something other than breathe."

The boys laugh and make their way out. Jared looks back and I look to him for reassurance. He nods and I have a sudden relief in myself.

Constance hands me some dough.

"We're gonna make pizza so if you can roll out the dough, it would be lovely."

I nod and proceed to roll out the dough. I stay quiet , still being confused about her feelings towards me.

"Look Margot, I would like to apologize for how I've been behaving towards you lately. I want you to know it's because I know my Jared 'has given up on love' and honestly didn't want to see him hurt. I know I should get to know you before judging how you are. After all you're the reason Jared is ok with love again."

"Ms. Leto-"

"Constance. Call me Constance sweetie."

"Constance.. I love your son very much, I won't do anything to hurt him."

"That's what they all say before they do.. Jared feels lost sometimes then he worries about his music and all his work. I just want him to be ok."

"Constance, I can't promise you all of Jared's problems will go away, but I can promise you he won't face them alone ."

"You're really something special Margot."

She hugs me. I immediately feel welcomed in this household. I open the kitchen door and when I do, Jared, Shannon, and Tomo all fall at my feet.

"We're you guys spying on us?"

I say. Constance laughs and they all get up. Jared hugs both Constance and I,

"Aw, my girls!"

He lets go of Constance and hugs me. We shared a kiss and he says

"I would appreciate if you guys hurried up, i'm hungry."

I give him a playful push and we all laugh. Constance kicks them out and we go back to work.

A/N: If any of my readers are Mexican and got offended by the Mexicans in bed joke, i'm sorry and it's ok i'm Mexican too🤘🏽 AND ON A DIFFERENT NOTE HOLY CRAP GUYS OUR STORY HAS ONE THOUSAND VIEWS?!?!? I CANT EVEN TALK IM SHOOK. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!❤️❤️❤️

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