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"Do you have anything vegan?"

I laugh at Jared's request of food.

"Sorry sir we don't."

"Well I'll have some pancakes. No butter please."

Jared smiles and without even looking at waitress he says

"I will have the same please."

"Of course I will be back with your food in just a moment."

The waitress bows her head and quickly takes off. I look over to Jared

"Pancakes have milk. Thought you were vegan."

I let out a giggle and he smiles

"Not vegan , chegan."

I tilt my head wanting to know more he chuckles and says

"Well i'm vegan but chegan cause I cheat a lot. There's just some meals i just can't resist! Meat is a no though."

"I see. But on a different note, does your mom know i'm going to visit."

"Well.. no, but she'll love you.. i'm sure of it."

"What if she doesn't? What if your brother or Tomo don't? What if-"

"Well if they don't love you, they don't love me. Because you are the reason I believe in love again, you are the reason I wake up everyday with a smile on my face, you are the reason that I haven't gone completely insane playing The Joker."

The waitress sets the food on the table while I look down at my hands, blushing.

"Your food Mr. Leto and your food Ms. Robbie."

"Thank you."


She walked away and Jared sets his hand on top of mine and smiles

"Now I would kiss your right now, but i'm fucken hungry. SO i'll kiss these pancakes instead."

I laugh

"Haha yeah thanks! Feeling the love!"

I say sarcastically

"Right? Eat your pancakes already."

We laugh and proceed to eat.



Jared says as he waves his hand.

"Here is your check, your total will be $22.47."

Jared pulls out his wallet but before he can pay
I hand the waitress $25.00 .

"Keep the change hun."

As the waitress accepted the money Jared grabs the money out of her hands and hands her his credit card.

"No Margot, I'm paying. Debit please."

I grab the card from her hands and placed the money back.

"No Jared."

He grabs the money again and places the card against the lady's hand once again. I get up and sit on him facing him. Basically straddling him and place the money back on her hand.

"I'll be paying, thanks."

She bows her head once again and leaves. Jared laughs

"Wow you really like things your way, huh?"


He grabs my ass and starts tickling me, I squeal and squirm till he finally stops and grabs my waits and kisses me.

"Alright babe, lets go ice skating."

I get off of him and jump up and down.


He gets up and carries me, i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"I swear to God you're like a little kid. I can just eat you up ."

I kiss him and giggle

"Eat me up? Well i would let you but I want to go ice skating."

"Alright then lets go."

Jargot ♡ {COMPLETED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat