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It was about 20 minutes after having breakfast when I grew the balls to talk to Margot's dad.

"Mr. Robbie..?"

He looked over to me, raising an eyebrow.

"Um, I would like to take you somewhere."

"What like a date?"

I chuckle

"No sir, like a bonding time."

He sighs and gets up.

"Alright where to?"

"Follow me sir."

We walk out to Margot and I's rented car. We get in and drive to Mark's Shooters. When he sees where we're going he says,

"Jared, you really are stupid. If I don't like you, in what mind are you in that you decide to take me to a shooting range?"

I laugh

"Well sir, i'm hoping that by the end of this you won't hate me anymore."

"Mm hm."

We walk in the shooting range. We pay for our turn or whatever and walking to back room and start shooting at some targets. He must be really trained or something cause he didn't miss.

"Mr. Robbie it looks like you're more fit to play Deadshot than Will Smith is."


We had a good conversation about politics, acting, guns and what not. Our time was up and I walked to the gun shop and he followed.

"Uh, Jared? Don't think a Hollywood guy like you is fit for a gun."

I laugh,

"Sir, it isn't for me. I can tell that gun you have is pretty old. So, i'm going to buy you a new one. Or new ones."

He stays silent.

"Please, Mr. Robbie-"

"Joe. Call me Joe."

"Joe, please pick any."

A huge smile went across his face. And I wasted a shitload of money. Leaving the store with 2 pistols, 1 Ak-17, 1 Ak-47, and a sniper. But his blessing is priceless.

While we were in the car he smiled all the way home.

"Margot never wanted to buy me guns, she said it's too expensive and I don't use them. Sure i don't use them but i just like having them, and having them up on the walls."

I smile,

"Well, whenever she doesn't want to buy you something, just give me a call."

He laughs and says,

"Oh trust me Jared I will."

And like that, I won over my father-in-law. And you're damn right I was the happiest I could be.


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